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Check room to slowly take a stroll, lead of place, those"research personnel" of"professor""scholar" step aside a road at the same time, so many people, but have no 1 to dare to come forward to obstruct his.
Connect Huang Fei Hong to also actually seek at Zhang Zhe of doubt what, although know this person in the factory premises to don't have a good thing, he is deeply afraid and these people have, after all if can not find enough offense certificate, these people have many methods to send he up military tribunal.
When the just present side extremely suppresses, Zhang Zhe suddenly and lightly shouts 1 and seems and has and discovers, sees him big Ze flank of the white table cloth of table trembled to tremble and started to concuss 1 F powder, he gathers together closer smelt smell, several countermarches immediately stumbled, then side overdo and orthoptic big Ze, cold track:"Tell me, is what you studied what things?"
The big Ze imitates a Buddha very surprised, the Ji Ji Gu Gu said a , translation quickly explanation:"Big Mr. Ze says that those are chemistries medicine powder, if the common run of people gets in touch with, may influence a brain, what you inhaled is more, should accept a treatment at the hospital right away, late perhaps will bring injury to brain.Even ……will become a plant person ……"
Zhang Zhe really once had to briefly faint, however with he this kind of change tai of physical endowment, this threat can neglect not to account.
Listen to the explanation of finishing the translation, directly say:"Hand in research achievement, my Rao you are deathless, otherwise of words, you the spot owners don't want to see tomorrow's sun!"
"Eight Gas!"The big Ze finally said a language that Zhang Zhe understands, regrettable but annoyed Zhang Zhe.Raise to come a slap to beat big Ze on the ground, scold a way:"Impish son, you don't give me today replying of satisfaction, I lived to shell your dog skin!"
The big Ze blares call several, raised a gun to ring a trigger for the Kou, very sorry, some reactions all have no.
Zhang Zhe Hei's Hey is strange to smile, a hold tight his collar, the fist moment,such as raindrop, falls on his face, exactly is make science research, lack to toughen at ordinary times, have never supported several bottoms to faint as a result, let Zhang Zhe's heart extremely angry.
Just at the moment, suddenly respond the omen of extreme danger in the Zhang Zhe brain, can not consider of to think more, he immediately throws down big Ze, a Shan body is vacillating to go out.
The huge explosion voice after death rings out at Zhang Zhe, he carries on the back to imitate a Buddha just after feeling drive big hammer daunt, throat a sweet, immediately repressed not to live to spray an one mouthful blood.
Quickly turn head, but see the big Ze fainting have already become one Peng blood fog.The explosion sends out from his body ti!
Admire the Can Yai Zi yu crack, fly to generally rush toward Zhang Zhe to nearby start to hand he, the double eye evilly sweeps to see those a surprised foolish research personnel already.Send out the low hou of monster xing in throat, imitate a Buddha at any time and will suddenly and violently rise deathblow to the person.
Zhang Zhe endures spirit blood to seethe and tightly grasp to admire Can of arm soft-voiced way:"Never pass by, don't know to still have on these Human bodies how much be packed bomb, see, our each and every moves all in the other people's surveillance!"
Zhang Zhe is very to cut up rough, can affirm at the moment, just of explosion if is occurrence on admire Can or the body of Huang Fei Hong, so they have already become lousy a heap of meat.
Tightly seize firmly a fist, Yin cold vision have have never floated to fall top of head of television networks top, Zhang Zhe at the moment, the corner of mouth starts to hang up a to put on cruel of color!

Text 394 chapter traitor of Chinas!
Renew time:2010-5-232:45:24 chapter word numbers:7625

"You, come over."Zhang Zhe hanged up to hang up finger to the translation, the translation didn't dare to refuse, and the Dan Zhan scaredly walks to his in front.Deeply lower the head, two legs are continuously to beat to cringe.
"Raise head, looking at my eyes.To, quite good, now, you tell me, the powder that I before inhale actually is what, certainly, you can also choose not to say, however I advise you or want that knowing is better."Zhang Zhe finishes saying, very whole with lookinging at of Xia the other party.
This translation all over and cannot stop shivers, changeable on the face, obviously the heart is placed in to do a violent flounder.
"You see him, your big Ze professor, he should be your representative director here, and result, result how?Incredibly so puzzling explosion, the end connects bone residue son all unable to find."Zhang Zhe's voice remains light, the fact described but make people time the body living cold.
Yes, big professor Ze is the representative director of laboratory, so easily of have no, they these do under charge, finally can also fall one good?
The translation imitates a Buddha is make very great decision, sink a track:"The thing that you before inhale call Zhang brain pill, elfevident, this kind of is to used for controling other people's thinking, currently still in the experiment, temporarily didn't°yet successful example, you come previous we are overrunning a difficult situation, so is testing on the stage to leave behind 1:00."
"Say so, have already done experiment Luo?"Zhang Zhe suddenly asks a way.
On saying the thing of studying the aspect, this translation is seemed jing absolute being, explanation way:"This research's end purpose is the thinking that controls some communities, for example, the officials of the government, research personnel, teacher etc., have already done 57 experiments currently, still have no result up to now, person's brain is the most complicated, I think that this research finally will fail."
"Ha, all once did to test so more.Is there experimental object?"Zhang Zhe imitates a Buddha to pay no attention of ask a way.
The translation naturally says:"It certainly is some divagation personnels.We can the villager of never capable sad neighborhood.See have no, outside those cars go out to deliver goods, can always bring a few strollers every time."
On the Chinese people's land, study some particularly to the Chinese people's medicine, use again the Chinese people test, this returning for impish son is really enough unique of, it is this dog traitor of China to particularly is an in front, incredibly reason keeps annoying to strongly say that the experiment is a stroller, all right, now that don't put the stroller's living in the mind, why doesn't that seek to the Wo country?Did the Wo country have no stroller?
Looking at in front this gives support to a tyrant, but has no to thought awakening"compatriot" at 1:00, Zhang Zhe's heart is deeply been getting more piercing, vomited tone, light way:"The last problem, and where is a laboratory set up?"
" At ……H'm?What laboratory?Here only this laboratory."The translation almost divulges secret unintentionally and emits cold sweat on Jin Jin of forehead.
"Ha, probably because fear to make you forget some affairs, all right, I order time for you."Zhang Zhe isn't managing him, turn round to ask those severe and solemn demeanor researchers in the laboratories:"You in have never done experience?Some words stations come out."
Regret of BE, these people don't have whichever station to come out, big part all the station of naturally at first, obviously, they all once once did an experiment with the compatriot.
Zhang Zhe because excited but the tremulous finger point at them, malicious track:"Kill,beats by dre studio hd, a don't stay!"
Even began Huang Fei Hong this time, yes, this silly eldest brother hears that these people's residues take their own compatriots to do an experiment, early control don't live heart of foul atmosphere, at present Zhang Zhe to admire the order of Can was like also a bunch of flame to spark an explosive bucket, this exasperation arrive the Liberation Arm comrade of extreme achievement immediately and brutishly hurtle into crowd, almost each one punch each foot goes, always someone Ai falls on the ground, gradually have no living an interest.
Zhang Zhe of so dare to can be dashed into by they, is because the in front is the relation for translating, very obviously, he has a very high position in this laboratory, however he nearby stands at Zhang Zhe so long but be not set off, be showed from this, truely drive pack big Ze of only having of bomb a person, is also say, here, this representative director is an internal core.Being other is just all some pitiful insects that are made use of.
Kill them, Zhang Zhe has no one silk hesitant, because in front these headgear Chu Chu, all of the research personnels of bearing grace are hands to be stained with full bloody executioner, a flock of person's residue that commits treason to beg glory!Damn!
More than 20 research personnels aren't to don't resist, very regret Related articles:

