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Work the identity Zhang of vice minister door department.
But even Zhang national affairs' being to allow don't let of is served as by Wang Meng.Three know that the politics is plain respectively and Zhang Shou.
But once China but played another skill.He gives even chapter national affairs, three know politics and a few important sections,such as the vice minister of door department, Ministry of Justice, army's department and navy's department, added to record book matter still name.In order to constitute a national affairs meeting, handling north the mansion is all administrative affairs.In order to convening the place of national affairs meeting drive once nomination national affairs cabinet of China, so this"leadership actors of one troupe" was also called by the people of this world of"cabinet".According to once China ground parlance, the north mansion national affairs, regardless big and small, all Wei definitely at the cabinet.
Once China so skill, make the river was left and Huan wry smile not already.According to the Jin system.Record a book matter still is a book to still save all official document decisions have to through he of hand, so can be treated as the prime minister of big Jin.But once China but added to a lot ofly record book matter still, this how don't let left imperial government of river and owned Huan of this title depressed?But once China but eloquently argument way, the north mansion recorded a book matter still is recorded book province the matter differ still up a .
Connect down is medium book province.According to once the constitution of China, the book province Zhang system made in the north mansion decision, be responsible for draft with establishment north mansion of Lyu method.Once China but not establish medium the book Jian waited usually medium official position in the book province, but taught car Yin gold purple light the Lu job as a doctor always get medium book province.Another Wei life 365 dynasty argument Langs.These dynasty argument all of the Lang is north the mansion one who have rank.According to the north mansion system.North mansion the civilian can be engaged in a soldier, work, company, agriculture and learn an etc. various job, any merit shows a Zhao, can teach feudal title to advance to nobility.Once China the one who chose to relatively have reputation and scholarship thought from these nobilities dynasty argument Lang.Go the power of "dynasty hall positive argument".
These six sections of 365 dynasty argument Lang cent door, soldier, gift and Xing, Li and work, distinguish to should still the book is each department of province.However each section and to in response to ground still book each department of province communication discuss, again draft scope ground Lyu method respectively, immediately after from medium book province all dynasty argument Lang the review pass and handed over China to once grant a praise to go and became a book province and great reason temple administration still and broke the basis of case.
The medium book province bottom establishes all a Cha hospital, establishing six the section imperial censors is more than 30 persons, Zhang positive imperial government discipline, raise official hierarchy Wen to lose.These imperial censor cents cruise everyplace and inspect many officers, once the matter discovered that the officials go against the law to violate the rules, can to medium book each section of province impeach.Each section corresponding receives to impeach future reunion to immediately register for the record, request drive impeach ground the officials that book province belongs to or the state still stab a history to etc. officials to come to wait for to consult, with impeach the imperial censor confront.Once the evidence is definite, can immediately go to impeach a case review.Case once impeaching at in the book province pass and immediately report to once China, once China will basis as a result recall be impeached of officials.
Next province in the door but drive once China changed into another appearance.The official position of doctor always gets a bottom province in the ether of hair Mu.And next province in the door don't establish other official positions as well and only accept the authority that the argument Lang exercises "accept(people) an idea three arguments".Accept the argument Lang each county to recommend 2 people, regardless identity, tenure five years, often live Chang-an.But accept argument Lang to recommend procedure another text rules.
Next province in the door according to once the constitution and definition of China, represented the north mansion public sentiment, lord the Zhang audited north the farm tax and excise tax degree of the mansion.Still the book province is responsible for collecting tax and each expenditure, but next province in the door then be responsible for direct,such as the tax rate, tax of basic taxes, such as farm land farm tax and excise tax and salt iron tax...etc., to grow and investigate each coin to use where go to.Annually still the book provinces all want province under the door to carry on "spring degree the autumn account".Being still also a book province to want next province in the door to carry on "paid to tally up report and next year last the Year 1's budget report" every year spring is still going to next province in the door carry on "half year degree summary report" in autumn.In addition, still book province to the basic tax carry on increasing of any amount taxes have to pass through examining of a bottom province.
Next province inferiority in the door audits an office, is also the north mansion"the history is long", the He He well-knownly checks a debt section.Be exclusively responsible for defraying expenses an item to carry on a reviewing to each section degree, annually the autumn of the spring will at still the book province also do after finishing doing report a reviewing report to accept by providing the argument Langs reference to check against.And in the peacetime, audit an office once detection still book province the some section or certain place appear one degree problem, can also lift to invite a bottom province reviewing, then carry on confronting impeachment.The book province is just about in process and effect heel.
The province still has a very special power under the door, that is to refute power towards winning the Lyu legal system of book province establishment.According to the rules, the medium book province passes of the Lyu method drafted plan can not directly present to hand over to China approval once, but had to turn to present through next province in the door.In the process of turning to present in, bottom province in the door has the power reviewing the Lyu method's drafted plan, once discovering isn't satisfactory, also lead the accepting of half argument Lang to agree that it has the suspicion that harm the people, the main officer who descend province in the door-too medium the doctor will get up the Lyu method's drafted plan and send back medium book province.Medium the book province want to think the Lyu method's drafted plan to be granted enforcement, have to modify into next province in the door agrees to win doctor to transmit too much through the its lord officer to once China, just canned be sent to present to arrive like this once China hand, the end approval praise went.
Three systems in the province of north mansion are three systems in the province that is once old according to the tang dynasty, the cabinet of the Ming Dynasty system mixture but become, although was several through modification,still had the place of shortage and negligence, please each book friend discussion suggestion.
The next chapter will mention the system of judicatory, troops and place etc..

The text chapter 202 greatly manages temple and privy council
Renew time:2009-1-70:14:57 chapter word numbers:6820

Shine on changing the system of China drafted plan once, he three powers of"difference a life time" separated the principle Qiao came.Just the then people still consciousness don't arrive this, but just think this however was China to once divide the emperor king's Shu of power check and balance.Hand over to a power respectively different section,monster beats, then the mutual check and balance lead long to make and attain since can the biggest degree ground help elsewhere manage national affairs, again can avoid a power of only and greatly being good at.
Once China gave administrative power the book province make the lawmaking the power of control giving medium book province and next province in the door respectively still.But three power separation of third power-judicature, once China handed over to it a big reason temple.Great reason the temple is equal to north the mansion's supreme court , on being judicial Zhang litigation, review Xing to break a matter, the world breaks a case.Any is everywhere the piece judged, sentence to flow, dead, all ascend a great reason temple to approve officially to approve, and greatly manage a temple to also have a power to survey to investigate from the place all levels method department any it feels to have a problem or is check Cha headquarters, Ministry of Justice, all the Cha hospital reports of case, but its judgment verdict has the tallest law effect.
Two is have a Lyu method tallest justify power.All levels authorities in the place contains department, once having an other to have department or nobility the common people to report its behavior is illegal, will arrive method department in the place first to take up verdict.Once method department in the place thinks to have department behavior illegal, not only its behavior is invalid, lord officer and correspond officials all and be checked a Cha office litigation by the class to find out who was responsible.And still book province, win next province in the book province, door with they inferiority of the organization have a department, is then directly judged by great reason temple, once justifying illegally, end with place have department about, connect even chapter national affairs, three know that the politics is also difficult to escape drive the result for pursuing.
The great reason temple constitutes to°from seven positive Qings that greatly manage a temple and 18 little Qings that greatly manage a temples and reviews little Qing of Xing for 18 little Qing cents and breaks matter little Qing.The lord manages pertaining to crime and civil case respectively.Positive Qing and little Qing are nominated by the even chapter national affairs, medium the book province pass, next province in the door has never gone to seal to refute power to carry on vetoing, then end from once China appoint, the tenure is for life.
The even chapter national affairs is arbitrarily to can not appointment and dismiss positive Qing of great reason temple and little Qing, he owns of just nominate the power is just.The even chapter national affairs just had opportunity to nominate while only hasing in the positive Qing and the little Qing deficiency vacancy, otherwise be all together and greatly manage positive Qing of temple and little Qing out of accordance with his opinion also the ability stared.
Because greatly manage positive Qing of temple is as high-position as little Qing, in addition to appoint complications.Dismissing from post lacking is very complicated.Because once China hopes that these judicial organic functionses avoided outside interference.Promise last judicatory of the biggest degree independence.Great reason temple the positive Qing and little Qing only two kinds of methodses leave office.One are that positive Qing and little Qing year are full 60 years old.Or is to work over 30 years, have to invite Ci.
This kind of positive Qing and little Qings that invite Ci will be reserved original salary and enjoy Related articles:

