
Monster Beats ther Bomb!Light a

Chapter 486 ship ruins
Because the advertisement covers the problem of influence in the repair now!Anticipate the day after tomorrow complete!
At after death under that uncanny chemisette threat, the Ji vast sky manipulates "light Chen" on going into the gathering ground of firm gram of clan, those firm gram the person of the clan a see this"light Chen" blunt come over, only also have no many to him friendly, incredibly dance to start attack to come over together.
The clansmen of appearance firm gram of clan isn't a fool either, know an inside of manipulate isn't this clansmen.
Various artifacts project of strong light, come over from the front impact of that, shotted into full Dun of Ji vast sky and Hong together 2 people manipulate of"light Chen", want to give the destruction this"light Chen".
The Ji vast sky early has preparation.
That ray of light the dreary purple Venus is crystal again be pressed"ice Ci ripples" just stops down among that artifacts of"ice Ci ripples" again release a magnetic field energy of spread all directions.
The artifacts attack that all impacts come over seems to be all to can not hold out against the energy field that this"ice Ci ripples" releases and concuss in the Di of this cabin quantity under, those impacts come over of various attacks are all vanish in succession.
So the effort of one Sha, the Ji vast sky has already controled qut;Light Chen"a head of drilled to go into a firm gram of clan the center, take"ice Ci ripples" of the remaining prestige disregard of wildly blunt before going toward.
5, 4, 3 ……"the Mo in heart count only remaining of the purple Venus crystal maintenance time, the moreover a piece of purple Venus is crystal to be also grasped in the center of palm of hand by him, a piece of purple Venus preparing to take over to be old at any time is crystal.
At he after death 100 meters place, the woman of that purgatory ghost clan imitates if wake up from the absentminded, stretch hand toward 1 in the front.
All clansmens of concealed evil clans heroic fightingly hurtle up and kill toward the clansmen set of of those firm gram of clans, the clansmen front in concealed evil clan, that ghost corpse unexpectedly takes the lead.
Ghost corpse one Zhang bumps shot on"dark Chen" and unexpectedly give"dark Chen" abruptly break open a big hole, the ghost corpse just stopped in that"dark Chen" three in, in that"dark Chen" of tie a gram clan clansmen be seized life in bellowing of a pole with sad and shrill voice voice.
The ghost corpse whole body blood ground came out from that"dark Chen" that discarded and put effort to trail it under that"dark Chen" and made use of this"dark Chen" to ruthlessly bump shot to flank of"light Chen" in"light Chen" spread to hugely bellow a voice right away, top jet come out of fire snake and scrapped"dark Chen" the intertexture seemed to lead the energy artifacts on scrapped"dark Chen" together and made that scrapped"dark Chen" bomb however exploded to open.
The wildly strong explosion energy gobbled up "light anti-" of flank and also broke open a cave that"light Chen", the ghost corpse took advantage of an opportunity and drill go into among them.
In the middle of a chain ofly bellowing a voice, that concealed evil clan superior in"light anti-" is also gradual have no living an interest.
The ghost corpse again came out from"light Chen" and used the huge dint of hard imagination and drag along Ye this"light Chen", toward another"light Chen" at the side of body blunt past ……
Make use of a same method, this ghost corpse unexpectedly in short several minuteses, make five"dark Chen" explosion, make inside three"light Chen" of tie a gram all of the clan clansmens to die!Open a new road in this ghost corpse under, the clansmen morales of concealed evil clan are madly high, killed to go into the place that the firm gram of clan comes together in succession, arrived those"light Chen" and launch an attack on beginning of"dark Chen", it tie those gram the clan clansmen take of the iron ship suffered serious wound.
Ghost corpse fore, the clansmen of those concealed evil clans at after, there is ghost corpse opening a new road, firm gram the iron ship of the clan be ruined by the continuously Dao, lost iron ship to cover of firm gram the clansmen of the clan, escape on the dead star that can in fearly go toward a neighborhood.Web address
Is fierce to stand in no fear of the clansmen of dead concealed evil clan, make track for to kill with all strength, just in a short while effort, even if the clansmen death and harm of those firm gram of clans is miserably heavy, more of firm gram the clansmen of the clan, in "dark Chen", "light Chen" in be then polished off by the ghost corpse.
That"Chen in the sky" constantly spreads a way"ice Ci ripples" strong light, want to put~to death that ghost corpse to kil, however, originally accurate"ice Ci ripples" seemed to be a while to lose gun sight once starting attackstoning to the ghost corpse, 10 fly to go out, also only 12 can shoot ghost corpse.
The most is a ghost corpse don't unexpectedly and not depart from this life under that"ice Ci ripples", corpse spirit curl up on the ghost corpse body, seeming can obstruct entering of the part"ice Ci ripples" to make, in this way, that"Chen in the sky" in some the strongest the firm gram of superior of clan also started surprised Nu.
Suddenly, the firm gram of clan clansmen of a whole body gold A, fiercely flew to divert from that"Chen in the sky",Monster Beats.
And another of firm gram the clan clansmen is different, all of the battle armors on the superior body of this firm gram of clan are a gold Can the color of the Can, the motion that spread up from that battle armor, also and general of firm gram the clan clansmen is different.
Make people surprised more is he can directly stop over in the star sky, the slightest don't fear to star sky in the influence of various impact dint, obviously, the clansmen of firm gram of clan that wears gold AN is a firm gram of superior with real clan.
Once he come out and fly toward the ghost corpse right away to, take the light knife of a gold Can Can in the hand, the whole body vehemence is extremely and relentless.
"Like, let them beat!"The Ji vast sky sneers at, and then takes a piece of purple Venus crystal the space oddity coming out, fiercely throwing in that to release "ice Ci ripples" equip in.
The"only Chen" that is controled by him that"ice Ci ripples" that just just came to a stop, again beginning toward the aimless all directions wildly bombed over deep-fried.
The neighborhood is the clansmen of in spite of concealed evil clan, still keep tying a gram of iron ship of clan, shoot at the sight of those sprinkling of"ice Ci ripples" madness, all avoid in succession, fear meeting drive those"ice Ci ripples" to bombard in.
Open a new road in "ice Ci ripples" under, the Ji vast sky controls this"light Chen" to keep toward the firm gram of clan center cross, "Yao Chen" of that high grade in front is shining for a while, seem the strength of having a certain oddity spread and wanted to influence "light Chen" Ji vast sky that he controls to realize right away, cold hum a , prepare to round in the past, didn't think with that firm gram clan the real superior embarks of"Chen in the sky" has what contact.
"Chen in the sky" is the ratio"light Chen" is a higher tool of grade, point uncertain had the artifacts to can overcome "light Chen" in that"Chen in the sky", the Ji vast sky keeps in mind a careful mindset and wants to avoid in the past and more left at once here more good.
Ding bell bell!Ding bell bell!Spread a strange voice to ring from the disk that he operated suddenly, saw that disk suddenly the ray of light is big prosperous, that can present the crystal disk of image to suddenly smash to open.
Don't spread a strange voice to ring inside"Chen in the sky" in the distance, seem to be just to constantly influence this"light Chen", make a bit uneasy in his heart.
Mao Ca!The disk of his under charge spilts open a blind side, the flame of this"only Chen" exterior stopped spraying to vomit a while, connect to side inset of energy mineral the stone all no longer gleamed a ray of light to come.
Mess!Ji vast sky a surprised, soon after realize that this must be that"Chen in the sky" in the distance didn't influence him this ship, "Chen in the sky" of the high grade indeed as expected to the qut of lower class;Light Chen"have a certain binding force, wait that"Chen in the sky" in in this time, "light Chen" stagnation motionless, around isn't the superior of concealed evil clan, be firm gram the strong person of the clan, there is still ghost corpse in distance cast covetous eyes on, secretly and more have the uncanny woman of that purgatory ghost clan, this can how is good?
His essence didn't°yet the self-discipline arrive ten square skies' territories, he has never tried a meat body as well to sail in the expanse of stars, if can not rely on "light Chen" is he not can round here?Once this"light Chen" is ruined, that his meat body be not also want to follow unlucky?
This a chain of viewpoints were fast to lead in the brain a time of, the Ji vast sky suddenly thoughted of an attention.
The extensive expanse of stars diagram after death presents at him, soul consciousness is released, a dead star in neighborhood prints to record in his soul in present.
After that dead star presents in his soul, also started to be many an in that extensive expanse of stars diagram strange of a little bit small, each a little bit small seem to be all to a dead star that should wear surroundings.
There is this natural cover, in his heart slightly Anne, then no matter Hong full Dun of surprised, start checking a body under of disk.
The disk was spilted open, obviously already out of order, the Sha spilt open in the disk, that"ice Ci ripples" that buttons up in the underneath also immediately stops madness of arouse to shoot, that a piece of purple Venus is crystal in of ray of light still just, see purple Venus of appearance crystal in of the energy haven't used up.
Cautiously saw for a while that disk, the Ji vast sky was wrinkly eyebrows, suddenly sigh a way:"Can not repair, can loot 1 to come out from is another' the light Chen', otherwise, this'light Chen'afraid Be getting more unable to leave."
He talks of this in a short while effort, that ghost corpse;The body blood sprinkles Li ground slowly and closed to ghost corpse not distance, the superior of firm gram of clan of that whole body gold color battle armor, have already become a corpse, in the star sky afloat wear, there is already no the vitality in 1:00.
The Ji vast sky drives once the color change and call a way:"How may?"
Just that superior of the firm gram of clan and the scene of the ghost corpse belligerence he but see of, saw with his taste, the superior of firm gram of clan of that whole body gold color battle armor, compare general of firm gram the clansmen of the clan was many strong times, this, only stopped over and then could see out from he can at the star sky"
He and at the time that corpse engaged, the ghost's Ji vast sky hard noticed for a while, felt that his strength seems and ghost corpse mutually about, originally he still thinks that both can cross swords a period of time of, where expect ghost corpse so quickly and then doom.
Isn't right!The Ji vast sky absolute being knows to release, he imitates a Buddha in the star sky many a pair of eyes, saw a way on the corpse of that firm gram of clan superior profoundly row a scar, those rowing a scar was like the trace that was rowed by the nail, those row a scar that ties gram clan of superior's battle armors tear to pieces, and go deep into his body.
Row a scar?Is the uncanny chemisette nail of that purgatory ghost clan to result in!The Ji vast sky realized right away what, right away change countenance, way:"Carefully at 1:00, perhaps the woman of that purgatory ghost clan already beside!"
"!"Hong the full Dun is surprised to shout a , is just preparing to go out to loot a disk comes back of he, right away honesty come down, ask a way:"You affirm that woman in the neighborhood?"
"The ghost corpse has been already come, she ……should be not too far."The Ji vast sky wry smile way.
"Do not go, have to make a disk to come over, otherwise you is certain to die!"The Hong full Dun deeply takes a suck at spirit and canceled a worry, way:"You open that exit and entrance, I go out to rob a piece of disk to come over.
At Hong full Dun to see, the Ji vast sky is only nine of fixing of territory for, once this"light Chen" doomed, he probably can also the battle wear ten square the fixing of territory of the sky in order to sail in the star sky, can the meat body of Ji vast sky definitely accept can not stand various impacts of strange strength in the star sky.
"Do not go out, I still have a way."The Ji vast sky eye sees so sufficient sense of honor of full Dun of Hong, the Qiao also no longer concealed.
The extensive expanse of stars diagram is under his strength influence, suddenly the Shan appears a light hole to come out, in that light hole after presenting, the Ji vast sky calls a way right away 《:"Go in with me!"
"Where does this arrive?"Hong full Dun Ya however.
"Do not take care of, affirmation can't harm you be."The Ji vast sky quickly presses.
But this time, that ghost corpse has already arrived the outside of"light anti-" and start tearing to pieces the exit and entrance of light Chen, and see appearance him at any time and can break open this only Chen, meanwhile, a kind of spiritual uneasy, flow out the whole body of going into the Ji vast sky right away.
She came!The Ji vast sky wants to don't think as well and immediately realized that the uncanny woman of that purgatory ghost clan has already arrived.
Connect Hong full Dun like realize far from good, don't continue unable to decide next go, a head of drilled to go into bang light hole in.
A see full Dun of Hong go in, Ji vast sky this just urgently and in a hurry fly to go into among them.
The light hole soon after and silently has no healing of voice interest, then in a twinkling changes into a light to order, end that only orders also disappear be missing.
Their 2 people's figure just disappears, the exit and entrance of that"light Chen" is finally torn to pieces by the ghost corpse, the ghost corpse is dry and hard of the body drill go into among them after, empty wood however of eyes turned to turn and seemed at search what, regrettable but a have no acquisition.
The body of the ghost corpse side, the marvellous ripples ripples to open, then see uncanny woman's figure of that purgatory ghost clan presenting.
She lightly smelt an one breath and arrived at Ji vast sky originally should be foolish of the place , after feeling in a short while, used in general use language mumbling low language:"He must be our descendant of absolute being clan, can display the blood of absolutely having of the absolute being clan soul song in the town absolute being clan, this boy escapes of pour is pretty quick, however ……I am to definitely find out yours!"
After some kind of words fall in, her figure is all again misty, connect to take that ghost corpses to disappear to disappear in this"light Chen" together.
Bomb!"Light anti-" that the that Ji vast sky and Hong full Dun embarks suddenly explodes to open, light of fire blunt sky, make that"light Chen" thoroughly explode ground open.
Suddenly spread the voice of frightened pole meanwhile, in that firm gram of"Yao Chen" that the clan superior embarks:"Is the clansmen of purgatory ghost clan!"
"How to do?Have the purgatory ghost the clansmen of the clan to appear, this can how is good?"Another hasty way to one person.
"Return to first, there is that woman at, our affirmation isn't likely to win victory!"The person who first talks right away cloth order, spread the roar voice of a voice oddity from that"Chen in the sky", sees nearby"dark Chen" and"light Chen" a starting flying to escape.
Although"Chen in the sky" escaped in the end,disappear to disappear for an instant, suddenly disappear in the unreal.
The woman of the purgatory in"escape of pour is pretty quick ……" ghost clan suddenly presents at that"Chen in the sky" the place of the dissipation, mumbling low language way:"The firm gram of clan hums and sees to want to put out his whole clanseses.
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