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"This I returns be really don't know, but in the heart of I but is the meaning that didn't also see a low Sir at 1:00."Zhang Jing seems the attitude that wants to express oneself say.
I use have a little the commiserative taste looking at Zhang Jing, is really not understand why a person of cleverness be ascend officer, become to suffer from suffer from losing.
I turn over a head, the small eunuch looking at a station beside, ask a way:"This grandfather doesn't know is that temple inside of?"
Zhang Jing hears me asking him and bending from the waist an answer way:"This a small eunuch that is the emperor nearby is called a guest to use."
"The guest uses!"I lose a people surprised shout a way.
"How does the Sir know him?"Zhang Jing sees me rude in behavior thus and ask a way.
"Have no, just listen to this name very specially, hardly see."
Although mouth up is to say so, but in my heart but is to turn over a river to pour sea, Zhang Jing, the guest uses, these two people all came out, I don't know that is I the acclaim still how should wear.Really there isn't well-known strength being manipulating all these in the as in?
"Grandfather piece, it doesn't say dark words before being a clear human face to have a way, you are an intelligent person, I think that some words don't need I said very?"
But who know that this whale still sets up for a careless dozen a Hun way:"This still wants Sir your clearly show."
I deeply saw Zhang Jing Yi's eye and immediately after said:"The words don't speculate, since grandfather piece not believe me, that at under also no longer wasted argument, just I want to remind that the grandfather is a , also not wastes you, I want to know 1."
"Sir your true give° the I a lane Be getting more careless, is how the I more and more don't understand what you said what mean?"
I to Zhang Jing again and again pretend ignorance Chong Leng have never wanted again to say what, but carry to have cup, say:"Grandfather piece, one mountain how can permit next two tigers?"
I see and Zhang Jing is to could not talk a cake of, so is straight-tempered to carry tea to see visitor out, also at last take backing as into, can actually but just helpless of raise.
Zhang Jing sees I carry to have cup, on the face finally or have already ordered a stunned facial expression, but also just one Shan and lead, if not that I have been aming cautiouslying looking at his words and return be really leave out this, only so-so and first, , I also knew that Zhang Jing isn't that the steel plate is a piece of, but because the first time meets,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com.Zhang Jing distrusts to me, and he is very careful, so I just talk with him the Long is not.
"That I didn't bother a Sir, the I just lived in response to the days in sky to just speak of the good friend that returns to be regarded as to the I and him for several years to disappear in response to fielding in sky toward using grandfather Sun's your home."
"The Ming heart sends a grandfather."
After using Zhang Jing and guests to send to walk, what I faced be how comfort just in the green Feng on the fire head, but free to how I knock on door, the green Feng is to don't come out to see me, helpless descended me to have to return to my own room.
But the time in supper, although I saw green Feng, but still didn't treat me to talk, she saw my one eye chillily, then go away, left for these several days, the joy gets a free and unfettered Hao mark to beside send out ill-wisher laughter.
Next day, time waits I to climb from the bed, the green Feng has already early and early gone out, don't know is go where, however I want to most likely is to seek Sa fire in a place to go to, or is to notify Feng Luan and related my criminal acts.
But a connect for two days pass by, I arrived at in response to the sky and also had half for several months, the green Feng still didn't come back, in my heart but always get empty the felling for falling, arrive now I just discover, originally pay no attention a have already brought about difficult to express feelings on green Feng by himself/herself, from when, from the heart of Feng Luan deeply marry green Feng I, still here all the way 2 people's continuous friction in?
Everythings are all carrying on, Zhang Jing is from that in the days to come have no again and I talk over alone, while I am also happy to calm down view it changes, although Zhang Jing says that the future is "terminator" that protects, but he still doesn't don't depend on the troops that protects in now, this is his most wise choice.
However that little eunuch guest uses to pour is often go toward me here run, he is still small, kid's disposition is naughty is unavoidably, follow in all seriousness Zhang Jing also pretty difficult is his, probably is Zhang Jing suggests of of, guest's using has been following me, I am also happy to have a small footman,the Hao mark received the news of home, have already in advance returned to yesterday, said to want so much to assemble with me in Suzhou.
Because the guest uses this even sky come always at my nearby, so the my relationship with him also includes not small progress, I know that he is what Zhang Jing sends come, so paying close attention to in the peacetime is inadvertent of tell a little bit own viewpoints the guest uses, words like this, think that that whale can definitely know.
However life experience used in guest very special, his parentses all early and early die, only an old grandpa, who know to be sold city teacher afterwards, probably because he grows to have delicate looks of, the surprise lets people to development to is a Lyuan kid.
"The kid of the Lyuan" is again called "is small to sing", is a city teacher of those***the player start to give of graceful, and song Ling prostitute, then form of address for"the powder sings", I of so know these, also is all what Xu Jue tells me, oneself how after all say also and the powers of city teacher Be expensive to once have association, even if is seldom enter rest***of ground, but Jian ear also the Jian arrived many things, much less oneself nearby still has Xu Jue thus of***frequent caller.
I marked to still have Xu Jue Qu a wine shop for going toward in response to the sky with Hao lately in, said to is a wine shop, but still had to still have clean wine shop there in response to the sky here.
Seat Xu Jue ask me to want small sing to still keep wanting powder to sing, because to the trifle in this ages I was really full of curiosity, really can hardly imagine two men are how to go that men and women's matters.Let as a result Xu Jue consumedly ascend to me one lesson, the remaining interest of Xu Jue Hai didn't exert of explained in detail for me some kind of.
Is so-called small to sing to still separate the south the north, the south sings poem rather wave generation of, but the north sing but is all old house that the guest uses to face the pure, want now, the guest uses most likely is because this reason be just bound city teacher.
Xu Jue still says what south sing clothes gorgeous, wipe rouge on the face, the Niu Ni is female Tai, just always no chance meet, so also have no from research.But the north sing intelligence beautiful and slender, tease can the person is the male color of tunnel, however see the guest use really like the sort that Xu Jue says, if he redresses ladys' wear, is really an unique color beauty.
But as long as want two men together do that affair and have a little in my heart drizzle, very uncomfortable, see appearance, I still keep connecting to can not stand this, can if and female of, suddenly will thought of in my heart the chinas that see in the treasure room gathering treasure Zhai that day up seem to be also to have the men and women the happy event for doing that, thoughted of my heart in but had 1 kind to expect to try some kind of impulses.
But just on the time in my entertain foolish ideas, but hear guest's using is calling me,
"Sir, Xu Zhang Jia came."
Xu Jue Lai?I start and then walk to outside, arrived an outside but saw Xu Jue have already entered into in the house, see the guest use also in my room, he is one Leng first, but immediately after see my look in the eyes in but have a little the air that the Nue smiles.I know on seeing he is quasi- because use to also have that the relation with guest.
Fruit not it however, Xu Jue Kan the guest say after using an eye:"Being really one is beautiful and slender of can person, " he stills looking at me after finishing saying satisfied contain a smiling of deep idea for a while.
Arrived at in the room, Xu Jue Zuo at the table of the outside flank, the guest uses to come forward to pour tea for him, but Xu Jue picked up the cup on the table to say:"I really have a luck, at ordinary times in the temple, you are to wait upon an emperor, get here, you are the dress niece young master in our house of, can drink to ascend you this cup tea, I still really needed to thank niece young master."
Although always Xu Jue Kou's top niece young master calls, but I know this guy root to is the fun that opens me, I use to say to the guest:"Today didn't go out, I and still occupying of Xu Zhang Jia to talk, you return to first."
"BE, Sir.That small bottom went."The guest turned round to come out door after using sing a Re, he went out of time return to take door to lightly ascend.
See the guest use walk Xu Jue just let go of the cup in the hand, looking at me to say:
"This small eunuch returns Related articles:

