
Beats By Dre Diamond k of guidance and

A large, forehead hair is cut down , I just wore long bangs ?! Li Wei was missing ,he wanted to open each other knife ,then he recorded a chop ,let the other party must have at least a ripper ,did not think this record since the great saber team of Japanese Bayonet gamebreaker was not used ,the Ninja force is too big ,it is amateur as occupation ,this word a bit are good, but the other hand seems not three eight bayonet ,but whether it ,or samurai sword bayonet ,or ,is a knife ,Li Wei himself thought so .
relationresultKudo Ichiheart is a shock ,Li Wei just let him be startled at the same power ,completely as the physical without excess loss is in force peak .relationresultKudo Ichiblow in his hands ,and then cut the knife ,and maintained a position continually swinging ,and Li Wei and his ministers are in a straight line ,let the onlooking Liu minister cannot shoot .
relationresultWhenLiu minister is an anxious, the Ninja is really a ghost ,always use Li Wei retaining him ,should not fear of injury Li Wei, he was fired, the Li Wei and just of the militia company Yang company commander is completely different ,Yang was injured can also let the other captain to replace ,Li Wei if hurt ,Arsenal a lot of work to be affected, are clearly not conducive to the war against the pinch .
relationresultWith a cavityblood and brute force ,Li Wei as if crazy as reckless and Kudo Ichi try to life ,as the saying goes, the fear of corrugated ,corrugated afraid not fatal ,especially not met Li Wei this life like random stalker ,but also against Li Weichu in a clean ,Kudo Lang mind, Li Wei is absolutely not the kind of brains ,Brawn who ,early and sly Chinese hung a sign .
relationresultLi Wei isnow like red looks ,angry himself always split in the sly ninja ,themselves instead of being set aside three or four wound ,burning his nerve stimulation ,make him angry growling .
relationresultKudo Ichihad a circumspect ,look left right up down ,this Li Wei like a samurai sword lay spread all across in confusion ,the hackle ,random ,waited for a long time no see him play out what Yin action ,instead he suffered not hand injury, Kudo Lang set several trap ,Li Wei instead all in all .
relationresultKudo Ichiimpatient, under her heart when ,when blood dazzled by the rookie ,also got himself that he is a pig eat tiger ,it loses face big, decided to start with no mercy .
relationresultTheglue on the Li Wei blade ,even causes the art apart Li Wei brute force ,and continuous return three knife in Li Wei back ,swung open Li Wei katana ,at the same time ,in the hands of the samurai sword sharp force ,in bursts of sound of transverse cutting .
relationresultLi Weixinbig be astonished ,the Ninja seems to be really pissed ,himself a hackle hackle getting to him, even at such a speed make so complicated movements, this is who ?! but now I have a force was the feeling ,to store enough to be a knife that split air ,is an indescribable into the pain and hematemesis .
relationresultWhilethe other hand back to cut a knife with a gritty people rapidly approaching his murderous ,miserable! Today want to hang out ,do not know what is the feeling of death ,do not know will not be in the underworld encounters beloved Han Xiuying ,suddenly Li Wei was no more peaceful ,is a complicated thinking to fill .
relationresultAh !~ only moving shadow ,Kudo Ichi unexpectedly finds himself the kill the knife was cut down an empty ,Li Wei gone ,gone .relationresultMan !~ unexpectedly, he would escape surgery! ~ so smart !~ Kudo a damsel that Li Wei finally see the use of so-called clean ,extremely tight look around on the alert ,he argued that Li Wei killer is coming .
relationresultOh !~ ~ I die , relationresultKudo Ichi suddenlybe ground groan attracted attention ,almost didn jump ,beats by dre,this kid is not due to all sorts of accidental mishaps in the fall and avoid this Dao, eyes still has severe misgivings about Kudo Ichi .
relationresultIn factand not much difference between his imagination ,but Li Wei without coincidence unluckily tripped over a stone ,he also clearly feel hindbrain hair gets, angry that this head is shaved .
relationresultYou !~ Kudo Ichi suddenly almost didn .relationresultHa ha ha ,I laughed my head off ,there is such a thing !Ha ha ha !~ near the militia company Yang company commander smiled turned up her eyes ,the smile fainted .
relationresultTwo guardsfighter and tried to smile ,face the strange ,Liu minister can know what to laugh ,and this guy Li Wei shit too ridiculous .relationresultPlay enough of it, it was my turn ! Li Wei to suddenly one piece ,turning kick to Kudo Ichi chest ,and just not at the same time ,http://www.monsterbeats-ol.com,Li Wei foot is a chapter ,also called trick called air a .
relationresultThiswas a swift from Li Wei ,Kudo Ichi surprised to find ,in front of the young man is a new man ,eyes filled with self-confidence ,he becomes very strange, not just strange feeling ,but current restraint he ninja blade in the dark night .
relationresultThank you to accompany me to practice so long sword ,I have to find out your moves . Li Wei and Kudo Ichi to fight a knife after stagger ,in his ear to stay cool in a word .
relationresultThe thirtieth Festival , relationresultAs a result ofa groom or Li Wei Kudo shitkicking surfer ,instead using shilly-shally by Li Wei ,with Kudo Ichi playing, Li Wei not only review over modern from the Internet to learn martial arts is one of the first blade ,for what it all read hastily and without thinking science ,including Japanese ninja clan by million set the partial content ,thanks to these fans collected and published on the Internet ,because the powers of usually less useful and practice is not easy to master ,the lack of guidance ,and rely on modern firearms ,the government over its management is not tight .
relationresultLi Weimaotook a big risk tested his learning martial arts ,although most insurance ,but also find the Ninja Attacks ,at least in the martial art is extensive ,Kudo Lang than Li Weicha .
relationresultRead the million set Li Wei knows the Koga flow on the tolerance of martial arts style, combined with a blade and Tang Xin you move ,specifically looking for Kudo Ichi hand ,the situation is no longer one-sided ,both be well-matched in strength ,agility, but Kudo Ichi let Li Wei very headache ,ninja from practicing the jump to grab the pedal more Kung Fu ,let Kudo Ichi agile as a monkey .
relationresultKudo Ichisecretly dread nor too easy ,suddenly become a master like Li Wei that he never start, each other really knows every trick way ,their every knife like each other have been waiting for a long time the way ,who also began to stab wounds ,the most ruthless of the knife is back from the right shoulder to the right ,the same price of this knife ,Li Wei is back on his right arm arm a knife made a cut, even the samurai sword seems to carry .
relationresultBoth physicalcollapse in consumption ,Li Wei panting continuously ,rely on endurance amazing but he also could not afford long battle ,although Kudo Ichi does not see the shortness of breath ,but is also soaked with sweat all over the body, and is now both wisdom and perseverance in the battle .
relationresultKudoleft suddenly at the back of the neck showed a fish ,a short pipe up in front of the mouth ,shoot a blow needle ,Li Weicuo guard holding samurai sword right elbow in a needle ,needle like is apparently wiped medicine ,Beats By Dre Diamond,a paralysis that Li Wei lost the right of control ,samurai sword clanking get down, while at the same time Kudo Ichi bucked ,both hands holds the knife from top to bottom again mercilessly down . Related articles:

