
beats solo hd blooming bright la

The strong arms of many, almost can be considered extinct weapons .relationresultReporterimmediately went to immediately deploy forces ,military base ,originally wanted to help the old people and the guerrillas ,and the task of soldiers to the warning line ,many people do not understand ,but the command is a command, a state of emergency was too late to explain .
relationresultAfter a carefulsearch ,in addition to the warehouse near Liangbaiyubaling caliber mustard mortar shells ,there is also a considerable amount of weapons and ammunition ,and the target of Japanese storage of winter accounted for only 7 percent ,enough to meet the eleven major combat unit partition winter pack need .
relationresultPoison gasshells and ammunition by the twelve Division staff removed ,the munitions depot before lifting martial law ,hiring the villagers ,help move air all winter .relationresultAftera bitter struggle, the eleven teams with twelve teams in the twelve teams for a temporary barracks area recreation ,hot weather ,in order to prevent wound caused deterioration of further downsizing and consumption is not the necessary medicines ,quite a number of the wounded could not afford to travel long distances ,for a short break or necessary .
relationresultAs a basemovement within the operational needs, the establishment of several reserve ammunition supplies a temporary base is very necessary ,not to mention eleven division and twelve division team have a loot agreement ,invite them to eleven division team to help ,nor white please ,though all revolutionary comrades .
Will not let the people go empty-handed .relationresultTemporarybase is built in an abandoned brick below the tunnel .Several big fake graves package into troops chamber ,mining as cobwebby tunnel is one or two miles long ,because it is a military tunnel .
Than the general civil tunnel to the spacious ,people can easily stand up,http://www.monsters-ol.com, two or three people to walk side by side with no problem, ensure smooth air vent design secret safe ,easily buried under hundreds of people is very easy, and tunnels and nearby high thoroughly connected, if the enemy around several export ,can tear down and civil tunnels are interlinked to wall ,directly from civilian tunnel transfer .
relationresultA dimly littunnel interior troops ,a work a large wooden long table .Put two quietly blooming bright lantern ,lantern but from the two Republican line wire pole to engage in war ,Japanese blockade line ,with lantern lighting at night ,but did not expect to be guerrillas easily touched a light ,the light quality is good ,in according to the ground be popular .
relationresultTwoteams of leading cadres troops into room ,looking for a wooden table bench seat .relationresultCrash!The table surface was loud ,she still smoke smell with light machine guns on the desktop .
Abnormalities of the rob Li Wei eyes ,unrestrained and frank; straightforward will light machine guns to the front of a push, immediately attracted around a group of supercilious look ,everybody in the room with a carbine ,Li Wei hand a big gun to occupy a large desktop .
relationresultFan Guowen sneaksLi Wei directed at the dorsal hand pricked finger ,frighten edge two captain hurriedly pulled his hand ,if let Li Wei saw ,refers to the uncertainty is a nest ,the damn Fan Guowen died not long memory, is clearly looking for a fight .
relationresultOK.Everyone is here, I go first . Fan Guowen cleared his throat ,without any previous reclassification ,directly into the topic : in this battle ,the enemy was contrary to expectation of tough fight ,beats solo hd,will very strongly ,until the end of combat is not an enemy ,it is an intelligence failure ,three intelligence network with intelligence gathering capability ,cheap beats by dre,while the lack of intelligence analysis capabilities ,not from the surface phenomena in depth analysis of the enemy .
, relationresultFan Guowen said this,almost all eyes unconsciously moved to the twelve division three commander Chen Jiayao ,the head of intelligence who is she ,intelligence work is almost a function of force in the good work ,done it is others, who will have to bear ,typically a thankless task .
Some professional ,Chen Jiayao without raising his head ,as if not feel others ,just pressed a pencil in a little book continues to paint ,perhaps the future of the intelligence reform thought of it, is not like before, red eyes with tears ,she already has a war exercise a very good psychological quality ,since the problem of error does not do weep and sob ,can attract a lesson seriously ,improve the work .
relationresultIn this battle ,our team of twelve individual combat ability ,cooperation ability is good ,but this time the number of casualties ,almost most of the casualties are Li Wei took over as before, except the enemy combat capability strong reasons ,but also exposed the command staff lack of command ability ,this also I want to review comrade Li Wei ,if not promptly changed tactics ,I am afraid we division and eleven division team must pay the price to be bigger ,even grade and battalion commander major functions and not on the battlefield assault ,should be organized attack ,fight rhythm control and direction of attack ,even if the class cadres were killed in the battle ,let the warrior how we made a ball of make concerted efforts ,as no head flies ,but also how to play ?!Individual is again strong ,nor the collective power of big ,command thought must be active, not rigidly adhere to dogmatism ,see Li Wei I can see ,our commanders thought was too conservative ,dare not to think ,now promoted officer ,or the like before, mindless ,only know stuffy his head forward to kill .
Wang Bao severe eye in square table sweep of a circle ,no one dare and his eyes ,eleven District captain head down ,twelve Corps casualty rate in his eyes almost can be very little ,twelve governor Wang Baoque that is mostly unnecessary casualties ,this difference makes him feel eleven division and twelve division team difference bigger, twelve Division team always * high, advanced thinking ,eleven District captain feel the pressure on them more and more heavy .
relationresultLi WeiyiHanwa tile cooling cool ,bulkhead pipe their charge refers to is not his own ?!A few cadres eye look to Li Wei, the son of undisciplined nature but a name ,today I is not the same .
relationresultWang Baoknocks on the desktop and then said: soldier soldier ,officer or officer ,each having a different division ,those of you who when the officer ,or soldiers ,command is an art ,understand ?!Do not know how brains ,and stronger enemies to fight ,do you want to fight a lifetime and Japanese guerrilla ?! , relationresultFrom the recentsuperior over learning presentation ,Wang Bao also can feel the Party Central sights far away ,and not limited to the current strategic enemy harassment undermines and barrier troops south of the battle ,but began to plan a strategic counter-offensive .
relationresultFrom therecent World War situation ,the European fascist alliance has been declining ,the United States declared war on Japan, while Japan against China Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere strategy ,the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor is just destroy American a fleet ,and the United States is not China ,accounted for two of World War II munitions business of the United States of America as armed to the teeth the evil tiger, completely contain the Japanese in the Pacific Fleet and stronghold ,while British Expeditionary Force in the Burma battle victory ,through international support line ,Chinese air force because of the United States Air Force set up to tenth Flying Tigers to not let the Japanese fighter planes in Chinese airspace run amuck ,the Chinese battlefield in the strength of Tera Masahito little torsion .
relationresultFour twoyears and four three years ,Japanese invaders in North China and northwest area the blockade ,nibble ,crazy like and multiple sweeps the offensive ,and did not obtain
as early in the war as the rapid advance of victory, in repeated see-saw type size of battle, but let * stubborn resistance in one point one of the original size according to slowly into
a show expand ,become the strategic defense in depth ,covered the southern national government big rear active war machine to support the anti-Japanese ,Wang Bao was no longer just if Related articles:

