
google The thief bile TXT complete works _33

Never . Xiao Yu smiled to sit next to said rain .relationresultRainflat flat mouth .Xiao Yudi voice heard .Full of grievances could not keep up .Eyes through her tears .relationresultSee therain look .
Xiao Yu immediately understood what .Said : is it right? The next phase of tuition ? Xiao Yu smiled . things don hide in the heart .Don you have a brother for me . , relationresultBrother ,is it right? It is useless, do nothing ,but also always drag you down .
Rain tears in the eyes face down ,could not bear to lie on the table and cried .relationresultXiaoYulian love felt the rain little head : who is called you are my only sister ,you know ,my brother hates not give the world moved to you, brother is useless, did not take good care of you ,let you suffer so much .
Well, don cry .Cry again we will all be washed away . , relationresultHearXiao Royal words ,rain coughing in laugh, wipe the tears ,his face still hung the tears, his eyes some redness ,pursed her lips .
relationresultLook at therain tears like rain ,reminds Xiao Yu of when I was a child, my heart is full of deep feeling ,that always follows behind love cry small slug ,now has grown into a slender girl .
relationresultRain, you know brother, what is the biggest wish ? Xiao Yu said .relationresultSorry.The rain look asked Xiao yu .relationresultI hope one day, you graduated from University ,work ,have a family of my own ,have their own life ,the brother and the .
Xiao Yu said with a smile ,eyes full of expectation, and because of this thought ,so even live again hard, Xiao Yuye did not feel tired .relationresultOrbita red rain ,low head ,tears rolled down my cheeks beads ,brother ,do you know what is the biggest wish it rain ,rain hope one day to be able to grow into a big tree ,you lack ,one day rain shoulder ,also can let you rely on .
relationresultstage fees ,don money for things to worry about ,my brother will find a way . Xiao Yu to drizzle some money said ,rain on the high school is located near the best ,a year of six, will need to pay $three thousand tuition due to rain ,excellent grades ,each period only needs to hand over five hundred pieces of it ,but it costs to Xiao Yu is also not a small number ,have time, Xiao Yu will do some very risky thing .
relationresultLight rainto go to school ,watching the rain shadow gradually disappeared at the end of the lane ,Xiao Yu came to the front of the helmet ,stood for a while ,want to make money .
Than the game gold coin ,but in reality money !relationresultByplaying the game to earn hundreds of thousands is not possible, to bring home the bacon had been through the game very well ,google, said the prevails, a need for equipment to be able to sell thousands of pieces ,some of the best and even can sell hundreds of thousands, Xiao Yu no practical thought ,just want to try ,even in the game failed ,did not make any other company in the world ,released under a net to swim when, you can try .
relationresultWithoutthe occupation game player is accomplish at one stroke ,Xiao Yu firmly believe that ,as long as you work hard, we can be successful .Success comes from behind the stick ,the occupation game player who is also after numerous failures ,only by amateur to professional ,for Xiao Royal ,he did not retreat .
Or do a occupation game player ,or ,continue to be a thief .relationresultThese dayshe has been staying at home ,the rain did not mention any with their work ,it is definitely know what ,in this regard, Xiao Yu very guilty ,it was definitely withstood not the small psychological burden ,Xiao Yu did not want to let the rain in social life, to let others know that her brother has a an inglorious occupation .
Xiao Yuning can let others in his chest stabbed a knife ,is not willing to let the light in front of others could not lift up .relationresultWant to do aoccupation game player ,the early game is certainly not to make money, under normal circumstances ,need at least a month or so, enhance the actual strength of oneself ,just can have sold the equipment to earn RMB strength ,but ,on their own in a month earn game helmet money ,otherwise everything is nonsense !relationresult20 days ,and strive to enhance the grade ,strength ,and began to sell a certain amount of equipment ,in exchange for rmb ! Xiao Yuxiang ,he remembered the last encounter that dark hell game player , don can come up with much money to buy equipment .
Since the decision to sell the equipment, must find a certain amount of buyers, do not hang in a tree ,in this regard ,Xiao Yu has no experience .relationresult~ ~our net swims kind of writers is a motherless children ,subscription is lowest in all categories ,not dare to seek publication press ,depressed .
Rely through one ,to ticket to the ticket .relationresultThe body of the thirty-sixth chapter of night killer , relationresultXiao Yu once againentered the game ,through sets up a stall in the package in the remaining equipment sold ,Xiao Yuzai night market going up .
relationresultTabak townstreet magic lamp flashing yellow lights ,lights bumpy roads around it ,low has a strong flavor of Western-style buildings, always can let a person see some other flavor .
relationresultHeard Austrian wind Canyon have large amount of blood Lin grass yield . , relationresultThe place is that now we can go ?There are 20 levels of monsters, casually met a enough to drink a pot of us .
, relationresultI can just say . , relationresultXiao Yumangto stroll ,listen to the game player are discussed ,the night hours, he didn know what to do .relationresultIt is a waste of time .
Xiao Yu depressing thought, if this time to Shaguai Lianji is good .If you can, upgrading speed can certainly faster than others and some . , relationresultXiao Yuyithought of here ,the idea is hard to restrain ,really could also perhaps ,in the night is so dark conditions, challenges the blame is not actual apparently ,however ,they can challenge the low-level monsters !As long as the kill monsters not below their level 3 or above, Xiao Guan Yu can get some experience, although relatively less experience .
relationresultThere are manyspecial blame ,blame the elite are nocturnal ,the desert night ,the air is full of danger ,few people would have Xiao Yu and as a bold idea .relationresultNothing venture,nothing have ?Revenue is always and risk coexist .
relationresultFirst find common level three monster try hand ,if you can, and then challenge level Four ,level five monsters . Xiao Yu uptown refresh three strange desert dingoes walked the region .
relationresultVastdesert is quiet .Faint moonlight falling down .Simply can ground .Peripheral vision is only three yards .Pitch-dark. Static scary .From time to time came the sound of some wind howling .
Like wild beasts cry to low growl .And like a ghost to weep .For ordinary game player .Dare to midnight ramble .But Xiao Yu did not so much .The heart of these many fear .To survive this thing compared .
Not worth mentioning. , relationresultI can . Xiao Yu hearts have a very firm faith .relationresultThe desertsporadically appeared a little fluorescence .Can feel some biological in mobile .
Xiao Yu knows .Those are some three steps of dogs .Wild eyes .In the darkness of night is can emit green fluorescence .relationresultTworapid fluorescence in Xiao Royal near .A wild dog growled at Shaw Yupu .
Not to see the dogs body .Xiao Yu is by virtue of its own in the dark .Constantly with a dagger thrust block .Attack dog .relationresultCertaindogs emits fluorescent eyes .Stabbed .relationresultBoning!relationresultBoned in theattack to each other vitals after does not need too good eyesight ,as long as the wrist feeling on it ,which is best ,Xiao yu .

