
Beats Solo HD that building stan

The fighting on themainland to the different ,even if the wall has been so intense contention, but both the magical combat still did not stop ,numerous large light regiment still in the air attack each other ,but both because of fear of injury and the target alignment to each other in the rear ,so a beautiful scene appeared ,the whole sky was such that attack magic shield ,and in these be riotous with colour light ,the soldiers on the walls of crazy fighting .
relationresultMagicattacks extension means air force battlefield is limited ,but it is not the air without fighting ,in fact in the elemental attack mission above ,both the air force started early .
relationresultAllied air forcemain course is in the abyss of pulling in as the center ,the black oval giant monsters have greatly changed ,in fact if at first glance, don think it is dragged abyss sign ,you would think it was a castle in the air ,the monster a similar to poly tower that building stands ,every building above all with thick cover ,and the abyss of pulling the person other spare part also are painted in such a graph .
relationresultThishuge as fortress monsters around, many riders in the sky flying ,they basically are wearing a spell cut armor ,this specific design Cleveland magic armor ,reduces the physical properties are increased ,and greatly enhanced by ranged attacks or spells are defenses ,but basically each fly his body will reduce the weight increase velocity formula .
The former only countries enjoyed by the aristocracy ,finally in the union strength were accomplished under popularization .relationresultBut the demonarmy air forces or no progress while the four vocalizations are in ,but the rest of the monster in addition to a number of more than not beyond basic nothing changed ,with abyss pulling on the commander ;union Knights neatly ,quickly formed on the attack formation a mad and go ahead ,while various remote magical combat rush out ,especially the pulling speed ,although it is a bit slow ,but backs poly tower corresponding flash while ;countless great elemental attack mission towards the demon air rushed .
relationresultTheair battle the long-range strike is also very common ,but like the abyss pulling out so great that spell that was hitherto unknown things ,so when a huge explosion easily carried away countless edge rogue .
Countless sky Knight cheered up ,at the same time according to the plan were like apart ,for pulling the person make room for continuous large spell release .relationresultCoalition airfortress has also completely stimulation to the demon army air force command ,he immediately through the rune control monster soul ,try to spread out to the periphery ,widening the distance from each other as far as possible reduction of enemy attack killing effect .
relationresultThe enemymade this reaction ,is fully expected thing ,so unequal commander commands to Zhebai ,to ride behind a wizard said: ordered the troops to disperse, all open mount acceleration rune ,we performed the first ladder shock .
, relationresultIs . , relationresultAsthe sudden acceleration countless fish ,dragon and Griffin / Knights suddenly accelerated ,straight into the position of the enemy ,then ,the enemy is pulled big distance between each other to assault troopers feel just like a fish in water ,like swords through enemy ,take a once living life ,but this time ,pulling the person also his ranged attack toward the enemy ,fast Kao approach up, spread his tentacles ,began an harvest .
relationresultThe airwas smooth without any to come down to the ground ,the devil knows in the walls for has a step slower ,cheap dr dre beats,so various powerful monsters are started by law array transmitted ,the first Legion pressure natural increase; ten head Pit Lord roar which appeared in the law in the array ,and then not even for a second .
For nothing, to the coalition soldiers rushed past .relationresultDue tothe fierce teleportation circle surrounding has no way of composition of war ,although the line of soldiers are still much of the orcs ,but some people are not responses are Pit Lords huge claws shoot fly ,if a large wall above a lot of them have been black filled ,this several transmission method matrix surrounding also launched a fierce war; although these years the devil development will not compare alliance ,but after all he have not, many not previously seen monsters emerge in an endless stream .
But on the whole the first Legion can still control the situation .relationresultBOThands with his chain of doom axe as a flying dragon ,similar to a spiral rotary ,Beats by Dre Just Beats,Tomahawk to the hand at the same time ,countless mountains with a giant hammer as the monster fell to the ground ,and then suddenly the foot legs will their bounce ,great god hand in forward at the same time ;thick black cluster out ,without any obstruction through a pit lord skull ,with monster fell to the ground to understand the scene ,BOT steadily fell on the ground, right hand axe a shock emerge countless bright white .
At the same time with the forward moving Tomahawk kept slashing ,modeling aggressive Tomahawk in slashing and numerous black light marks like whips up ,so the BOT has enemies in front of and around the monster becomes completely filled into the ground, in the air .
relationresultSergeantthe mind clear, as long as the Kao past the teleportation circle destroyed, can cut off enemy reinforcements ,only in this way can control the whole city wall .In BOT and reckon without one when several coats of mail ,the Pit Lord from array ,this is the first time to wear armor monster ,these shapes on the know not of general guy just from array towed away ,and immediately the turbulent combustion flame or wrapped in a large number of lightning ,then as a group like elements on the enemy ,the same wrapped element toward the enemy wielding claw to ,but the first army fighters armored plus its own soul fusion resistance basically are quite good, or do not use these elements monster attacks ,only just standing still is enough to the soldiers were burn or frozen to death .
relationresultIn spite ofmy surprise ,BOT to fly up the worry ,the hands of the Tomahawk into light marks, hit not far to all fire monster ,exceeding one ;this new appearance of the monster was like a shrink toward the next euro RSCG body roll, escaped the Tomahawk ,no heart again surprised ,body turns and Tomahawk recovery ,left suddenly blow war of Wrath kick out .
At this time all over the body in reducing flame monster is still rolling ,throw in does not stop moving ,so the wrath of war once again lost ,involved several carrying heavy monster fried into pieces .
relationresultTwo attackbot will let anger up ,head of double angle combustion flame at the same time ,body armor like red-hot iron ,quintana a garish red and gold armor ,with originally carved with flame patterns ,the sergeant is really like a burning up ,left hand wrapped on the fist wrapped in thick black energy forward and back, also do not see black energy to go out, the front was fiery abyss took the body suddenly as a black ,black and the first fire began to spread in the monster into a pile of ashes ,Beats Solo HD,spread over on the ground .
relationresultThe three volume of the one hundred and sixty-six chapter , relationresultJustis to solve an enemy is not a sergeant to ,his body was moved, as draw a gold red light ,then the BOT has been all over the thunder light monster in front stopped body type ,element Pit Lords eyes on the sudden appearance of the enemy Lou a surprise ,but raised his claws can back ,so only to sergeant was fell down . Related articles:

