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The thunder in time of the year indeed as expected doesn't take my especially hope, let my world company's alliance develop very smoothly, but also because development of speed over make quickly we of the fluxion funds appear unprecedented of missing.But luckily create the casino of absolute being mainland as many as its brothel, Wu is we lend the Zhao the paranormal power of the thin son to win to come to our fluxion funds in the casino, while the thin son silk make people review more for the sake of'wager Hou'.But all there is the black dress man to take a Zhao mask on a face forever by the side of the body of wager Hou, this man is a thunder especially, for promise thin son silk safety I want thunder especially at her nearby protect Zhao.Also lend this feelings that deepens them.
"H'm!Is quite good!Liked you also tired return to a rest!"
"Yes host!To, host just imperial palace bearer, say to is the wife who loves Er old man and daughter to come back to want to see you ……"the thunder was especially suddenly like to think of Shi Mo to say,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com.
"Do his wife and daughters have good-looking Shi Mo?Come back?Seem our coming to quick year don't also hear his wife's business ……"I asks a way.
"Return to host, more than a yearses ago his wife takes Zhao the eldest daughter returned to natal home a , the commander-in-chief west of northern army corps finishes nowadays.The fee Er is her own eldest brother, but the coup this time, so until just return to the Kai Luo's city now, his eldest daughter it is said that is the Kai Luo's city first beauty ……"the thunder say especially.
"Like, you descend first to go to ……"
The "is ……" generous den leaves to again resume especially with the Zhao thunder original quite
A spool of business article chapter 33:The world company's alliance(over

Chapter 35 moves

Left den, I arrived at the restaurant of the fourth floors and prepared to enjoy today's breakfast and looking at an in the moment captivating delicacies,beats dr dre, I can not help to own astute decision but feel cheerful luckily, because for the sake of afraid one day Qiao son not at I nearby but want the reason of hungry belly, I just request that all chef handicrafts must pass me to just pass on the whole ……
Half after the hour, I daut to obviously start to rise of belly, pretty much satisfy ground to drink pure tea.The door outside rang out to knock on door a voice at this time ……
"Come in!"I put on mask to say.
The front door between the packs admires after opening the boon hurtles from the interest outside the door blunt ran to come in to say:"Host, you want to be old the first ascending what they did came out a soldier of absolute being quickly, old ascend to let me to make you take a look ……"
"Ha ha ……today is what day ah?The good matters all rushed through in a cake of."I stood to say.
Is old to ascend is the manikin that is started to save by us in the canyon on that day, of so will call him old to ascend is because I from have never thought the name of manikin clan such of long, incredibly come to a more than 20 words, helpless can call him old to ascend under.
"But the host are May 17s-ghost festivals today."Admire boon to a little bit fear ground to say.
"?BE?Ghost festival?That pours with it really much to the point ……"say, I came out a pack.
In a clough of outskirts, the house of a line of orderlinesses is ex- to put 100 scarecrows, a group of persons are rounding together chirping together discuss what ……
"This thing has what use?"
"A wood!"
"Is old to ascend, you were miserably!The host gave you time of greater half year, you incredibly lane root lousy wood to intimidate lane host, you died ……"small compare point at and put and grow a wooden staff of about two meters and say in crowd the center especially.
Wooden staff whole body black, bitter end carefully can more and upwards more thick, until the top became a ball, there is cave one in the part of wooden staff sewing to be like in hide what, cave sew long about one meter, two many breadths, there is a palm in a side of the ball at of the cave hole don't know as well what special function.
"Shut to ascend your smelly mouth!Is this a wood?This is a kind of special of metal, its strong and tough try a degree can in no case compare the night month knife in the your hand bad ……as for its function waits meeting the owner came, you knew."Is old to ascend to snort and stare in anger ground of say towards being small comparing especially they.
Don't know as well at this time is who shout:"Host, came ……" Hua!Of a way that is public to make a right away, public Ju the Gong shout a way:"Pay respects to host"
"H'm!Is old to ascend, good?"I lightly the rightness Be old to ascend to ask a way.
"Yes, owner but we want to know the strange weapon of this handle exactly has what special function, we are ten to unanimously think to use this kind of metal to regardless do what weapons will compare this handle to kill to harm to strengthen much ……" is old to ascend to very respectully say.
"This pours not definitely, the small ratio pulls out your knife especially ……" I once connected old ascend the weapon in the hand to lightly say.
"How to is me again?"Is small compare cry 喪 to wear a face to say especially.
"Who make you just call the biggest voice ……what a suck!"But old ascend and then say cool criticism in a side.Small ratio especially helpless under the night month knife that can pull out a waist is embattled, wonder in the heart:"Is true unlucky tonight ……"
"Use to make an effort my hand of dynasty in of'lousy wood'chop down come!"The my list hand raises'wooden staff'say.
Receive mandatory small ratio especially the of course not dare to treat slowly to shout at top of voice right away my hand of dynasty in of'wooden staff'chop down.Listens to'Pang' of one is small to compare especially fall on one's back fall off five meters, the night month knife in the hand is also shaken to fly along while Gao, finally puts at small ratio especially nearby.The public vision isn't the body that coagulates him up, but the weapon in the my hand up, public in addition to being old to ascend 10 people is all very shocked, because just small ratio especially of the knife regardless chopped down at any weapon on, even if being ten greatest absolute beings the soldier would also leave a sink mark, but my hand in of'wooden staff'but some trace didn't also leave ……
Lookinging at them is surprised air I is completely satisfied with to wonder "play trick, if the night month knife can chop down move in the middle of the my hand this' Z form metal alloy steel' of words, the bumping the dead can not and after small new 49 days of night fires refining, its strong and tough degree is to literally say of ……" in the heart
But the all these didn't end, the thumb of my right hand at'wooden staff'a key of middle press, moment at'wooden staff'original of cave sew to hit by bullet a pair of about one meter to grow, the knife blade of more than 20 cms breadth, became a harvest of sickle.Just have a little greatly ……
"Is current of it only is a strong and tough degree very Gao the weapon is just ……" I daut the knife blade of sickle to say.
"But a pack last this ……" says I took out from the bosom the greatly evil monster Jing stone of a piece of Zhang puts at in the that circular cave hole of sickle top, can see 6 with very small one very obviously on the monster Jing stone.
"Everything will become different ……" says evil monster Jing the stone in a twinkling sent out a burst of and dazzling ray of light, the just evil monster Jing stone has already dissolved with sickle after needing ray of light disappearance integral whole.Connect a silk to sew thin don't also imitate a Buddha is this sickle born similar.
The sickle changed, Che thoroughly changing of bottom,dr dre beats, become terrible abnormality even body side those also respond strong dark breathing on all sides to the manikin of sorcery very late ……
"Step aside a point ……" I lightly say.Although my voice still and just similar and cheerless, at public listen to come was full of exasperation, old grudge, kill an idea to make their body can not help a burst of shiver, then quickly back to one side.The silver hair calm that sees me from rise, pressure of greatly have to make them carry to resist inside the dint.The sickle in the hand slides past vast sky and leaves the remnants shadow of several sickles in the air, but destroy the space of shadow to imitate a Buddha be torn to pieces generally, the air on all sides drive quick inhale, concentrate.Terrible breathing again in the public heart Kuo piece.Need remnants shadow disappear vacant land of grass person but the slightest have no action.Is public very interrogative, but their doubts get understand to answer after a second, 100 and the sickle knife in the my hand blade the similar knife blade appear in the grass person's empress Bo place and chop down for same times under, the head of 100 grass persons also falls at the same time at ground up ……
"Separate empty cut!!"Do not know as well is who surprised way.Also unavoidably someone's fussbudget, country for separate empty cut is 200 year agos a not well-known cutthroats of become Related articles:

