
cheap beats by dre eagle he indulges h

Also is mind not in it.
"What's the matter with them?"Li Qin Xue asks a way.
"Do not know."Li Jian shakes head, those four wounds on boy bodies of his in the mind guess and Huang Jin Yang should are relevant to fasten, this time they get hurt rather heavy, deathless also want a half life, and the whole body capability still doesn't know to protect.Li Jian has no that to help others for the happy never hesitated to do what is right thoughts and feelings and also not much asks and all be what don't know as well, original, oneself's this identity isn't likely to know what, selfishly and Li Qin Xue do dishes together.
"It is late autumn, come down quickly."Guo Qing anxiously calls a way.
"What matter?"Bathe late autumn to come downstairs, ask a way.
"Take us to seek that bad egg."Guo Qing Dao.
"Seek his stem what?He not necessarily sees me again."Bathe late autumn and depressed and not talking much tunnel.
"Did not you hear the doctor's words,cheap beats by dre, saving their 4 must a person with very high capability break through blood vessels for them, the grandpa of star Yao doesn't know to go again where, can thought of now of only have him."Guo Qing Dao.
"His meeting would like to?"Bathe late autumn to ask a way very uncertainly.
"Do not know, but always need to try, otherwise some hope also had no."Guo Qing fists fist firmness tunnel.
"Is late autumn, beg you, see my elder brother so, my in the mind is very suffered."Long Xing Yao pulls to bathe a late autumn way.
"That ……all right."Bathed late autumn to promise, she also wanted to see him again.
3 people beat a voice for Qin snow 2 people of Li Jian Li to receive and said to is to go out to occupy, go out.Li Jian certainly knows that they want to do what, wanted to think, or saw them is good, otherwise, don't know they again make Teng to arrive when.Finish doing household chores together with Li Qin Xue, Li Jian returns to oneself's room, then incarnation the eagle arrive Su Lin text there go to.
The Guo Qing San femaleses just arrived in a short while, Li Jian also arrived to, the original Su Lin text pushed to call eagle not at, 3 people insisted to walk, must see a person.Li Jian arrived to spread the sound to Su Lin Wen say two, he just make the Guo Qing San people see Li Jian.
"Please sit down seeks me to occupy?"Li Jian asks a way.
Guo Qing settles settle the ground looking at Li Jian, way:"We come to ask you to save a person."
"Save a person?You should seek a doctor just at the hospital to, seek my stem what?"Li Jian Gu makes to don't understand tunnel.
"Only you can save them and say again, is that you contuse theirs."Guo Qing persistence way.
"They ……is those four idiocies?Don't save."Li Jian shakes head and returns to unique way.
"Why, they all became like this, how do you still want?Really see dead not to save."Guo Qing suppresses a fury way.
"I want how, you have to make clearly, is the life that they begin first to want me, I even didn't begin."Li Jian innocent tunnel, " says again that I why want to save them, they always set against with me, all day long at I at present fly the vexed person was on the whole a honesty like this now."
Guo Qing Yi Leng changed a soft tone way:"That you can not have a heart and save them, I see you don't seem to be so bad."
Li Jian pushes a hand way:"Don't Kua I, I am a cutthroat, the nature is a bad egg, and I have never missed an excessive good person.So many bad eggs come to wretched end on the history, not because they are bad, but because they aren't enough bad.So say, work feeling to want with concentration, doing the bad egg is also similar, don't three hearts two ideas of, want to be bad throughout, become Wang Bai Kou.Hum ……say again, if I saved them and waited them like, again run into what fortuitous what of, the effort does like again come to seek me calculate Zhang, do they have a heart to pass me again?You are my idiocy."
"You ……" Guo Qing and Long Xing Yao drive Li Jian this time words say dumbstruckly, they ten thousand ten thousand don't thought of, this big bad egg contained viewpoint like this, this is probably the logic of truely bad egg.
"I still occupy and pardon my inability to attend."Li Jian says head also not the time ground went out.
Guo Qing sees to advise Li Jian with Long Xing Yao and extremely and disappointedly left.
In the dark place, Li Jian looking at them to leave, the other people come to Li Jian to probably also consider consideration.Guo Qing comes to beg him, his in the mind a burst of resentment, probably is some envy.Now Li Jian is the identity of eagle, he indulges his own emotion very much, their living is just not concerned by himself/herself, that is that they ask for it an ability strange who?And a little bit ex- days, Guo Qing invites them and comes home in have a meal, they are the maid to 2 people of Li Jian's substitute and Li Qin Xue similar, does Li Jian still get angry.
Also calculate those four boys are lucky, Long Zhan Tian unexpectedly came back at this time, although can not cure good they, on the whole is protected life.
Next day, Li Jian contacted the southern cloud Zhe of Japan also, is guaranteed by him, start carrying out the passport of going to Japan to wait a related procedure, everything returns calculate smooth.Moreover, Li Jian and Ling star also start the scanning to carry on the overall delicacy to Japan hoping to find out some clueses, finally, let them discover some motions of excrescent energies in the neighborhood of Fuji mountain.In a couple of days, Li Jian will soon go to Japan.

Volume 5 chapter 8 no longer turns head
Renew time:2010-4-2016:18:36 chapter word numbers:10123

Is exactly the time in 8:30 p.m., five people and usually similar sit to together have a meal.See Long Xing Yao have no idea to have a meal, Guo Qing consolation way:"The star Yao don't worry again, tomorrow pleased from Peking of the doctor Be about to cure for them."
"Can doing not know cure good my elder brother?"Long Xing Yao knits the brows a way and sighed an one breath.
"Should have no problem and heard to is whole country's best old Chinese medicine and definitely went!They is very quick and then will like."Guo Qing is full of confidence tunnel.
"Hope to be such."Long Xing Yao invigorates some, " is alas ……do not say a joyless affair, I always worried to don't also use, to, tonight's meal is specially flourishing alas, is who lead birthday?"Long Xing Yao asks a public way.
Li Jian answers a way:"No one leads a birthday, tomorrow, I am about to go to Japan, so doing specially and more is some."
"You want Japan, how don't I know?"The surprised way of Long Xing Yao, she is really for the first time to hear.
Bathed late autumn to once connect a words head way:"You noticed for their affairs of your elder brother worrying, nature can'ting all day long.To, Li Jian, I tomorrow send you in airport, my Mom and Dad also goes."
", Thank, if too busy words also need not especially the idea went."Li Jian Dao.
Guo Qing stopped chopsticks, way:"Li Jian, I want to do an important matter tomorrow, so can not send you, you take good care of all the way."
", I knew, I wasn't a Beijing leadership again, needed not cared too much, either, ha ha."Li Jian very not concerned tunnel.
"Is beautiful you, return a Beijing leadership for you, go to Japan not give°ed oneself to throw Be getting more quite good, still want us to claim when the time comes, ha ha."Long Xing Yao says with smile and opens a fun with Li Jian.
"Many thanks to your concern, I will definitely see own very of, absolutely can't throw."Li Jian serious 800 tunnels.
In addition to Li Qin Xue is public to all smile, Long Xing Yao discovers that Li Qin Xue is always silent the language then asks a way not:"Qin snow, how do you have been talking?"
"I have no what, do I have been listenning to you saying."Li Qin Xue didn't lift up head and answered a way.
"So ……you can't have worry?"Long Xing Yao asks a way, a pair of eyes stare at Li Qin Xue not to put.
"Have no ……have no, I how can have worry."Li Qin Xue keeps putting hand.
"Affirmation includes, however, you don't say even if, I didn't force you as well."Long Xing Yao passed Li Qin Xue.
Once have a meal, 2 Li Jian and Li Qin Xues tidied up, Long Xing Yao also comes to help and says to is Li Jian to walk, this hands over to her and 2 Li Qin Xues would be, there is absolutely no problem.Li Jian wants is also, let Long Xing Yao notice more the safety of home.Long Xing Yao readily promises and say is that as long as having bad people to dare into this family, she Related articles:

