
cnn in front as well

Such as general food court ,court in Lu ,since when playing for the National Longitudinal die without regret .There dare driving dynamic Princess gilded frame .Besides Chinese dynasties have the emperor expedition ,the princess personally go into battle .
, relationresultZhao Yuerulight : can serve the country ,longitudinal die without regret .Our body is a big song princess ,is a woman ,who also may do .Let the men know ,the royal family can also be a big song faithful .
Two of them .We know that ,but we will never change ,but also to set ,please adults do not have to . , relationresultWhen Zhao Qianrusmiled: two adults may rest assured ,I will bring it to write to memorialize ,google,pray for the emperor ,that things are we never settles, and two adults .
She is not very accessible to the military ,but lived for many years in Ling the official all human sophistication was known, well aware of Li ,Wei two people one is afraid of responsibility ,thus offers to write letter ,explain the situation to the two of hearts .
relationresultBut even in this case,Li Bao is still some unwilling .See Yang Yan, and stared at his public light ,meaning :we can ,Xin we can look at ah !Also want to say something .
relationresultYang Yan turned toZhao as she hit : raiding far too dangerous thing, you ... ... . , relationresultHis wordswas finished, Zhao Yueru spent time interrupted him ,a face firmly : don say ,this thing never change .
, relationresultZhao Qianru stared atYang Yan ,a learned one sentence : die ,we die together . , relationresultAlthoughall know that this attack is be far from the princess ,but the mouth die together to say ,or the presence of people once again stunned and terrified .
At the two princesses had gradually transformed into admiration by surprise .relationresultLi Baohe WeiSheng looked at each other ,it is no way to stop the two princess .relationresultWhen Xin Qijisuddenly said : if the two princesses have to battle with us ,so that we who listen to orders .
He Bei two Princess join raiding far army is difficult to change it .Although the raiding far to the identified by Yang Yan in command ,but their special status .In the event of a different opinion on dispute inevitably delay ,so some things are said in front as well .
relationresultZhao Yueru smiled: this please be assured ,the way all matters or to Yang system system orders mainly ,cnn. Turning to Yang Yandao : you have us as ordinary soldiers are treated the same as can be, if we have violated military discipline thing ,just to by military rules ,do not hesitate .
, relationresultYang Yan had tosmile a smile ,nothing to say .So Zhao Yueru and Zhao Qianru finally joined the raiding far army ,started with this time legendary general expedition .relationresultThe matter was finallyset down .
He immediately ordered the slaughter of cattle per head ,and reward the Millennium altar wine ,with this to seven thousand soldiers .The military part no table delicacies from land and sea ,to feast the army is actually a cattle and sheep, a bowl to drink ,I eat meat .
relationresultAt this time,Xiansheng to advance one step, as Yang Yan Pathfinder to .relationresultDagon,outside the city in a clearing to ignite countless bonfire ,have set up a big bonfire ,O Naberi reeky boiling soup ,with a strong flavor of the meat flavor .
There are fire directly fork barbecue beef is also baked into a golden ,big drops of butter drops on the fire ,issued from time to time, ,crack sound .relationresultThemen were sitting around the campfire sit in a circle in front of the sea ,the bowl is filled with wine, wine and meat flavor mixed together ,be be unable to hide one .
relationresultThe scenethat Yang Yan reminded himself attended martial school competition the same way before the battlefield and the soldiers sitting together eating of meat and drinking of wine ,but this number will ever more .
However ,Yang Yan mind a while regret far almost ,this time after the attack ,and how many people can come back alive !relationresultYangYanduan up a bowl of wine ,standing in the middle of winter ,big channel: brothers ,I do not say you know ,now the situation of crisis ,the emperor was trapped in Qixian County .
Now is your time to serve the state immunity .Need you and I together to complete a dangerous mission ,I hope all of you can make concerted efforts ,to complete the task .You will become a great song hero ,weight history .
On the grate one of you in this mission die for one ,your parents and its own national pension raise ,you can rest assured . , relationresultWhen Zhao Yuerusuddenly stood up, carrying a bowl of wine ,go to Yang Yan .
Today she is not wearing uniform, or that a Yang Yan familiar white gilded Samurai outfit ,tight Jianxiu clothes hook with her nice figure ,black hair tied up a man hair, forehead before a wisp of hair heavy down slightly as half face mask ,beautiful face in the background as emitting a strong light ,made from soldiers glare .
relationresultThe soldiersknow that beauty is not look that the woman in Song princess ,will and own a battle .Have stopped to listen to the princess of what to say .relationresultZhaolike Lang track: know of this March is very dangerous ,I like as Zhao song princess ,though the woman also is willing to and you together again, live and die together ,never backward step .
He will bowl glass at one gulp .relationresultThe soldiersbroke into loud cheers ,the soldiers had not thought ,for their part ,almost mythical Princess then living in his see ,tell them to live and die together with them .
Every soldier was heartfelt was Zhao Yueru ,grace and courage to remove clothing .Just think this beautiful woman died at yu .relationresultGao Zhensmiled : Cao Cao Xun ,seems to encourage everybody ,white than the eldest brother is much better .
, relationresultCao Xunsmirked : beautiful charm ,so let her join us raiding far is absolutely the right thing . , relationresultHe was saying. Bang head by Zhao Qianru took the wood hit : you two in sister behind me? I would tell my sister ,pack up your two .
, relationresultTwo people in themartial school is Zhao Yueru afraid, hurries to rescue Zhao Qianru rao .By this time Zhao Yueru and Yang Yan returned to the ring to them ,they all drink to one .
relationresultAfter three drinks,Xin Qiji took a bowl of wine ,and said: Xin Qiji from the South since, when the king recovered to normal north, Central Plains ,will die without regret .
Today only ask a que word ,to strengthen the expedition elements . He will drink a bowl ,loud chant path: drunk in study to see the sword ,in March with trumpet .In eight hundred cent SSN ,fifty string back beyond the sound ,at the military battlefield qiu .
Lu made fast ,arch like thunderbolt startles string ,but the king world, won the students after the former name .But alas! White hair grows !relationresultWord windheroic spirits ,grand and magnificent .
All was silent for a time, and then a chorus of cheers ,feel one ,fight the yang .relationresultWhen Li BaoheWei Shengye came to the scene ,take turns to see soldiers ,pep .Finally Yang Yan came to the ring .
relationresultWei Shengdao: Yang integrated system ,the emperor depended on regulatory body .There say . Turn around ,from behind the soldiers took a bow to the bow ,pass Yang arthritis is I just made ,this is left to their own use, now send in Yang system ,to the table I Wei Sheng ,but you must not refuse .
,Facebook, relationresultYang Yanjian WeiShengcheng meaning full, even now, not at all ,said: ,thank you sir . Take a bow .Wei Shengben has a good shot of name ,and is itself a craftsman ,he made a bow natural not bad to where .
relationresultWei Sheng said: this bow with topical studies ,yellow birch sandwiched with deer ,adhesive then wrapped fabric special steel wire twisted ,elasticity and hardness are much stronger than the general bow . Related articles:

