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Looking at theCape Wind backs gradually disappeared ,Anze was a loss to the Cape Wind ,said Wu Xizhen ,it is all up with me? But Wu Xi one hundred thousand army, but is largely Xing Yuan palace in the former Garrison troops ,is not easy to deal with .
Ren Anze wants to break the head to figure out what caused Yang Yan to deal with these one hundred thousand odd army ?And since has been really matter Sichuan thing ?The previous effort ,died more than a dozen students will come to nothing ,beats by dre uk?relationresultThenHailancha aside : master, what we should do next ? , relationresultAnze bitethe bullet, and said: go ,right back to Xing Yuan palace .
, relationresultYour messageeven if only a ( __ ) ,will become the motive power of creation ,please come to the author !relationresultNine defeated a 1 , relationresultIn cameYang Fu ,Han explants ,Cheng Mengtang ,Li ,Yang Juyuan et al Haoyi .
For occupation of Chengdu ,Chengdu City in all of them to pick up the pieces, there are now many affairs arrangement needs Yang Yanlai .relationresultFirst of all by Li Haoyiand Yang Juyuan to the Yang Yan report current affairs :Chengdu Palace last night twenty thousand in army ,killed nearly seven thousand people ,scattered over two thousand people ,the garrison surrendered more than million people .
Surrender now garrison stationed temporarily in the two camp outside the city ,at Yang Yan ,the city public security being brought about by Yang Yan maintained .relationresultYang Yan listened to,said: Lee ,General Yang ,the army in addition to Wu Xi trusted men and others all arrest ,imprison ,temporarily .
For the rest of the ordinary soldiers ,as long as they are no longer to be able to play for Wu Xi ,obey the arrangement by the government deployed ,can dispense them all past crimes ,let bygones be bygones.
Pay money supply ,other ,be still .As for the club body who should catch ,you know better than I ,by your own processing ,then will take the personnel list ,duty all quote me .
These things through ,you will Chengdu garrison regroup are divided into two teams ,respectively by two people and you .After such reorganization ,from do you take Chengdu public security work .
And strictly guard . , relationresultTwoin respect to ,to the side .relationresultAnd thenby Yang Fu reports : last night a war, because of the confusion ,the civilians were injured and the army ,trample on each other ,and the fire died ,a total of more than 5000 people ,injured more than 10000 .
But there are hundreds of homes were burned, thousands of people homeless .The dead and injured ,homeless people how to deal with, please adults express . , relationresultYang Yan nodded,said: last night .
People suffer is innocent ,although have no alternative against one ,but do need to properly . Think ,Yang Yan said: Yang Zhi Fu ,you immediately announced on last night ,who killed people ,each fifty through money from families ,home to dispense a year tax corvee ;injured people medical treatment cost by the government supply ,and each issue ten through money compensation ,from year to Chengdu City ,while other people by surprise last night towel ,are all removed from the first half of the tour .
Who burned houses a rate by the government contributive ,rebuild .In the housing built before ,first in Chengdu City housing arrangements for air she ,for their temporary residence .
If the house is not enough, or is temporarily arranged to choose an appropriate place ,first temporarily live in tent up tonight ,never make a people at night . , relationresultYang FuxiangYang Yan Yili deep application ,and said: thank you sir, that it would do .
He is a very compassionate people officials ,to Yang Yan approve .relationresultYang Yansaid: Yang Zhi ,this officer was the first to Chengdu ,Chengdu officials at all levels to do not know, but some words to be said in front of .
Even if it is bad ,also please forgive me . ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com, relationresultYang Fustartled, said: your honour please express . , relationresultYang Yandao: the pension money by the government contributive ,costs less to decimals .
But it is reassuring ,stable move ,therefore must be fulfilled reach the designated position ,in which the train if someone wants to fill one ,engage in malpractices for selfish ends ,but I find no light ,lucky .
In times of severe punishment ,also hope the Chengdu officials at all levels to conduct oneself well . , relationresultYang Yan issmall ,but the official time was short ,but also done local leaders ,aware of these official can end .
This time only pension money has thirty or forty wealth ,not all do following gymnastics officials not tempted, upper and lower closure ,a two one Tim as wu .If the member of other things ,Yang arthritis may also open one eye ,one eye closed well, but the cost is stable in Chengdu people ,must not have the mistake ,therefore it is to say in front of .
relationresultYang Fuheard the heart ,said : that know ,please adult assured ,that will make the money completely down to the people . , relationresultThen Yang Yansaid: we Chengdu ,Wu Xi would never leave the matter at that ,will lift force to seize the Chengdu ,we must do a good job of prevention .
Sent spies to see action ,Wu Xi . On Han planting : Korea condemned ,you will immediately Chengdu Fu ,income accounts ,to me ,I will personally view . , relationresultTo developthese comfort measures, Yang Yan immediately wrote three papers ,a feed back near the house ,will wind through report to the imperial court, another sent to Jinzhou ,told Yang Changpeng to take down Chengdu ,let him rest assured .
There is also a spurt to Hing state to Sichuan Xuan Fu to Wang Yan ,so he immediately rushed to Chengdu ,and their own to meet, discuss next arrangement .relationresultA few days later,in the efforts of Chengdu officials at all levels ,various measures have been implemented ,in Yang Fu under the tight control of money ,all are fully distributed to the hands of the people .
Chengdu soldiers ,people see these properly ask justice initiatives ,are gradually under the heart, the order was quickly restored after the .relationresultAt the same time,Chengdu peripheral state government army county have also sent to the Chengdu see Yang Yan, thought to be from Wu Xi ,continue to provide greater song effectiveness .
And those who Ximou Wu ,and discard the officer did not do people also have come to Chengdu ,willing to Yang Yan account effectiveness .For these people ,the Yang Yan rate are good made comfort, that as long as willing to continue in the effectiveness of Tuan ,past mistakes a rate let bygones be bygones .
relationresultMeanwhile,Yang Yan and a reorganization of Chengdu government troops ,one sent to Liu Ren the first rate Dali army entered the province .Also check Chengdu City Treasuries money food supplies ,ready to take on the Wu Xi army .
relationresultLook,Yang Yan is aware ,Sichuan material is so rich ,only food a ,Chengdu City is stored about five hundred thousand stone ,plus the surrounding county calf area ,can be up to more than 80 million stone ,if not their own inventions at Chengdu Chengdu is procurable ,army trapped for one or two years ,the city will not be short of grain .
The library also has more than 300 million coins ,many wear money rope are rotten ,scattered on the ground too many to count .Other material reserve is very rich also .relationresultOnlya Chengdu inventory reached such a rich ,then the entire plain in, should be how abundance .
Yang Yan and Zhao Yueru are very happy, if can stabilize the Sichuan ,so only the tax materials Sichuan ,big enough to support two or three years ,against the Jin army is good .relationresultTen days later,the soldiers to report ,dr dre beats,Sichuan Xuan Fu Wang Yan arrival Chengdu ,is waiting outside .
Yang Yan received a briefing ,and Zhao Yueru went out to meet the same name with their own local official .relationresultAt the gate of the citymeet, Wang Yan is about fifty years old, middle years material ,white beard ,but a be fatigued with the journey ,have done far look ,see Yang Yan and Zhao Yueru out of town ,Wang Yan rushed to the ring ,his hands ,Yang Yan is deeply a bow ,he said: Sichuan Xuan Fu Wang Yan ,met the governors .
Seen princess . , relationresultYang Yan istaken aback ,at once both hands hold of Wang Yan ,said: Xuan Fu adults ,that ,you are the old hill ,in the still young ,so big, really don deserve . Related articles:

