
Beats by Dr Dre Pro ange of random refr

Around looking for opportunities ,but there is this once frozen union Presbyterian in ,is that he prepared a lot of things .relationresultFrommy mouth ,Xiao Hua learned that every week at this time, each level is the elite concave refresh time .
Elite concave instruction to Zhou Shuaxin once ,each level of elite has ten much .Different elite .Refresh self is not the same coordinate .The position is far .And even if it is the same one elite help plexus ,each refresh coordinate is also not the same ,but in a small range of random refresh .
relationresultAs the elite.Refresh the random position ,nor too powerful elite than ,a few hundred people team, as long as there is enough knight and priest ,killed up about ten minutes .
Every Monday to elite refresh time .The guild will be busy ready to snatch the elite to help ,many smaller guild also took the opportunity to fish in troubled water .relationresultAccording to thewandering words ,like frozen union this guild is naturally the most keen to grab the elite to help women .
Rob concave is the most can increase the cohesion of the way of a guild ,grab a elite ratio, good luck can hit the million gold equipment or items ,of course, these items in the guild to a slightly lower than the market price to auction off .
Most of the money will be distributed to the auction to participate in the activities of the guild members of remuneration or compensation ,only a small part of the funds will be .So called elite to help this activity ,or a lot of guild members are actively involved in the .
relationresultThe pastis still frozen when union general ,each phone elite help without her led to this matter ,nature is very familiar with ,Xiao Hua, how much time from the blowing mouth know he wants to know .
relationresultTohim the grandmaster stealth, coupled with his tie ,tracking such a large crowd of people is the most simple thing .Far across the frozen resident outside the union .Xiao Hua is waiting patiently .
relationresultFrozenunion to attend this grab .The game player ,early in the morning have returned .A group of people playing hip hop smile .Waiting for the guild leader assigned .relationresultAfter ayear of time trials, the game player to get help procedure is also very familiar with .
relationresultThe generalis a relatively good command of the game player on a team team, the game player to have been used in the team, and then according to the actual participation in the activities of the number ,each team leader for some occupation and number of trimming ,can lead to get help .
.relationresultBut the presentsituation is and difference ,and to even grab help heart at this time, there are still many people because of what can not on-line .Coupled with the guild in some life game player and one to rob than the active game player ,a seven hundred or eight hundred people participated in is very good .
While in the game not to release case .Now the frozen union actual guild members who have only just ,more than 500 people the night is not on the line ,also has two or three men in that game temporarily out of line on the back .
relationresultBut nowjust the guild members ,this activity has one thousand one hundred much people attended !relationresultWhat ,you find some ,will command ,open one mission ,take them to grab the class elite concave ,Beats by Dr Dre Pro.
The frozen world watched than contacts to a lot of chaos team, frowned .relationresultTheirtrade union has been frozen groups of seven to eight .To grab five .Level of the elite and two to three are elite help .
Da Shoyoungsuke do not say ,do not necessarily strength team .Almost robbed not down the curtain ,because rob than will have on ten guild ,unless your good luck .Discovery .Later, after being discovered before other guilds will help to take, or risk a ratio .
relationresultSpeaking ofgrab . To play than ,is also a very interesting thing .The game started not long .Rob .Cause together ,usually to destroy the other group as the goal, purpose is to expand their spare none other ,morale ,weaken each other strength .
relationresultIn the gameit is also the very normal matter .But soon, many city appeared therefore caused some powerful guild is a guild of resident in battle again and again in the defeat ,let those who failed to compete there help guild preserved strength underfoot .
There a guild leader are aware of ,each time to grab a rib jig .Cause so much damage ,it is a bit is small ,they grab .The aim is to expand the guild ,it not only makes the strength ,but is weakened by the guild strength ,how wrong .
relationresultThen eachguild also appeared many half alliances .These half alliances is very interesting .A variety of ,does not make the same ,such as relationship good will who first discovered helpful and hit first return who ,the relationship between the general is allowed to attack on the war, but when one battle defeat .
Allowed to surrender ,especially not killed as pastor .Let the priest can resurrect dead member ,unapt let guilds and members were too severe loss .relationresultAs forthe death of a member of falling objects ,all the guilds also have many agreements ,just try to play .
Call help .Try not to become a malicious large-scale joint .After all, large-scale united than resident battle ,regardless of who wins and who loses .On both sides to have the good result ,even win, playing under the help often enough compensation die member .
If things go on like this ,a guild will decline ,and then give the following will seize the opportunity to make a cheap .relationresultRatio., ,relationresultOf course,this often is in the city before the twenty or thirty guilds in relatively good relations of several until the agreement ,in fact for most guilds ,are not present in this agreement ,especially a accidentally hit enemy guilds ,it must be played half alive ,not a party out to !relationresultThe frozenmonster nodded ,and called several people .
To pull a group of people in the past, very efficient built three new team .relationresultThe frozenworld sees state ,order .Each team leader of the respective and his team out of the guild of resident ,towards their respective target set out .
relationresultA total of tenteams ,the frozen world nature is with the core of an elite team of .The same level of elite .Also has the best garbage points, some sewing crit rate is higher, the high value items probability is big ,some is hung with an elite help later titles for many years out of garbage .
Make no attack hit the desire .relationresultSit ona mount, the frozen world waved his hand ,and with his elite team to start resident north .In their resident north is a field elite concave ice spider girl spawn points ,this elite concave is their resident moved here to find .
The beginning of natural only they know the spider spawn points ,not robbed, crit rate is very high ,up is fun and easy ,as long as the priest is not wrong, it is hundred percent will stabilize with the .
relationresultBut after a month,the ice at the sister refresh point will pass away ,when once drew up ten guilds fight !Frozen spider girl is from their resident recently, but others can be regardless of this, the game is not your open house ,spider bead is not your home ,storm good stuff concave who wouldn ?relationresultXiao Huain the woods had been waiting for a long time, see the frozen world in an ostentatious manner a resident ,took the team to the woods to walk ,he commanded his into the sky with their own ,is slowly with the past .
relationresultThe firstand more !Seeking monthly !relationresultThe 137th chapter ice spiders , relationresultPurestealth of moving speed and sits proud of him than Yao suspected to slow enemy losses ,the concubine of Jiu Xiaohua was the frozen world ,far behind .
But Xiao Hua is not acute, blowing have been pointed out to him the frozen world team may go several aid relaxation ,just know that the frozen world direction ,will know that this time they will rob which one help ,even if it is not his ,even let them go away ,do not with the lost may . Related articles:

