
Beats by Dr Dre solo er a very big howev

,Beats by Dr Dre solo, Fix for the foundation that recovered from illness for several cents in Li Xuan's soul up, again attain the dint of 200 faiths, hence this a moment, the huge eye didn't reserve of inflate, become more huge.
The light of a destruction directly covered with the scope of the Cha mansion of the whole Luo and shot to pass by by absolutely terrible speed direct j ī
"Chi Chi-"
Completely outstrip a velocity, cause malicious bombing of huge black light of that violent at Luo Cha your home of time, the black light j ī shoots of burst a voice to just generally and slowly ring out like the thunder.
This time, the light of this destruction in, whole Luo the Cha mansion was been malicious by the brick to clap a to record like a cake of of the bean curd is general, immediately turned to make one to discard a residue.
Innumerable of strong here for a while in directly turn to make Ji powder, thoroughly violent death on the spot, more is the qualificationses that connect to turn to make Ji powder all have no, direct drive black light vaporization
This split second, Luo Cha mansion, thoroughly disappear.
The huge action like this is also natural shocked the other influences and evil monster of this world, but the thus terrible attack is directly thought to is eight method kings' combats, therefore have no anyone to dare from a distance observe or is to rush out to watch, but hide an oneself more, hide more, fear to bring calamity a body.
Li Xuan's mentality is abrupt however gobbled up the whole Luo Cha mansion and grasped all of some broken up souls to catch to come over later on and gobbled up a space chemical element the bead rob in the thunder space, later on the spirit is fierce on stiring, wring after killing, directly gobble up by robbing a thunder forging.
Like this of effect, it is quickly extremely smooth gentle to pour.
Especially the soul energy of these strongs, is general like the nourishment soup extremely nourishing, after eating the next part, Li Xuan again felt the instauration of soul.
Although isn't a lot of,so have the instauration of a little, all be good enough to let Li Xuan to feel delight.
Is several next destroyed Luo Cha mansion, solved ever maltreatment and once humiliated the person of the oneself close relatives' this group breeze mainland in the sky, Li Xuan was then direct toward the 4 F left a dollar sky to fly.
The 4 F has no gravity, the whole and the external world is similar, but from the 5 F rise, each 4 times gravities and world that is all 1 F in the front promote.
Is also say, the earthquake dollar of the 5 F the day is 4 times that of 3 F, is also 12800% gravities and 12800% systems in world.
The Gen dollar of the 6 F the day is 4 times that of 5 F, those are 51200% gravities and 51200% systems in world
BE more opposite than ever and once bore nearly 100000% gravity systems, Li Xuan poured is didn't also care that 5 F and 6 F
But arrived 7 F and 8 F, 2,00000% and 8,000 much and doubly of gravity and system in the world, this will never be the person can bear of.
100000% systems in world, the evil monster of 56 meters size, have 561000 meters size, this can also accept
But 2,00000% words, those are more than 10,000 meters 8,00000%, those are more than 40,000 rices
Don't say when the time comes that how those evil monsters are is terrible, would be that gravity system, not necessarily so can carry on the shoulder as well of live
Li Xuan is to don't think, but at in consideration of this circumstance after, felt dignified for the first time.
However, he also just like this considers, one of his individual still continues of fly to the doorway of 4 F.
After flying along while all the way, Li Xuan arrived at the doorway of leaving a dollar sky.
And other a few different BE, leaving a dollar sky' doorway didn't guard a monster, so can freely pass in and out.
However at the moment, this doorway that steps enough to leave a dollar sky, the seeming of calmness is all some uncanny.
Li Xuan Wei contemplates, subconscious of respond for a while on all sides, don't discover what excrescent, this just prepare to step to go into this space passage, get into to leave a dollar sky.
However sudden, Li Xuan in consideration of this environment didn't guard a monster, if the person is one gist, just went to battle be persecuted to kill people a Duo treasure how should that do?
Is also completely reasonable like this, after all in this world, the whole city benefitses is up.
The absolute benefits will absolutely make people crary
Li Xuan contemplates, at that moment inside the chemical element in the body check after readying to, open seven star class top-class material defense system, this just walked in to leave a dollar sky in.
Indeed as expected, like Li Xuan anticipate, once he get into and immediately have three Gao of malicious Lis to coagulate a sorcery chemical element malicious bomb since then, see the appearance knowing and killing people a Duo treasure
Probably in these people's eyes, can get into here of, which body up don't order wealth
Only, in this same time, Li Xuan's telepathy under, also know these three sorcery chemical elements, unexpectedly come from three x ìs ng feeling flirtatious woman, although is a woman, these 3 people make moves neat malicious hot, recruit dead, Li Xuan is also naturally not polite.
Being three to falsely copy to match with a will Wei ability inside the Dan is abrupt however the projection of j ī go, at these 3 people surprised with don't understand, shocked vision in, their attacks were gobbled up by Li Xuan to disappear not to say, also be directly with one action teed off three Tao Kuang shadows by this youth.
Later on, be body to break, numerous bloods collapse dashing of time, be consciousness nigrescent time, three talented persons knowing , originally, unexpectedly has been already been harmed like this ……like this shape.
"Is surprisingly …… all day long homicidal, at present, but be also killed by the shot ……"
"Come out h ú n, sooner or later want to return.You have already done not run into me and run into early and early returned."Li Xuan Hei's Hey smiles, the mentality with one action gobbles up and gobbles up three chemisette spirits to rob in the thunder space and rob thunder distinctly forging, direct swallow to eat it after all chains become for the essence but next
Three big seven star gentlemans nine heavy strong, although isn't greatly satisfactory,is also peak strong, its soul whole energy, let Li Xuan's soul resume, come to a 52% degree, effect, see appearance best
Thus, Li Xuan's real strenght increased again for several cents
For this result, the Li Xuan nature is equal satisfaction of, later on, he gobbles up 3 people's space ring since then, sweeping of subconscious for a while, but shockedly discover, these people's space ring inside, unexpectedly and totally is not next 22 huge evil crystal
"Yi?This thing's pouring is good"
Two words don't say that Li Xuan's second consciousness takes these three space rings and directly arrived at a form idea to believe in the ground of the place of breeze Yi.
"Believe in a lord, whether think breeze Yi, still again send valuables come?"The breeze Yi Dia Dia acts in pettish a way.
For this woman, Li Xuan is always Don't mention it, he at that moment also once the Hey Hey smile, at the other party green puckery childish Jiao milk up malicious crumple knead two, this just say with smile, "sent to a space ring to come, however this thing, how much does your sorting come out?"
Li Xuan says, took out twos huge evil crystal.
"Yi, this thing really has, and still has more than 50s, its effect ratio before absorbs the evil crystal effect of Na for us to all be good friends with a lot, just, Hey Hey, don't believe in main approval, although the breeze Yi is itching to do, don't dare to use more as well."
"H'm, you take out and see, I pick or so 20s first, handle to kill a method for a while inside of evil crystal, substitute for a while at the right moment"
Li Xuan right away and hard says.
"H'm, well believe in a lord."The breeze Yi at that moment promises a way.
Say, she already tidy up the good space ring takes out, then takes out a heap of huge evil crystal put on the ground of Li Xuan's in front.
The vision looks at these evil crystal, Li Xuan Lian s è tiny disappointment, obviously these evil crystal quality is some uneven, left his request to still differ a very big, however the parts in it was evil crystal to pour is also definite, although the article time is low,is a huge evil monster of evil crystal beyond doubt.
After cautiously picking out 20th, and being evil crystal, Li Xuan right away takes out to kill a method repeatedly dish, then starts substituting an inside of evil crystal.
After the evil crystal replacement is over, very obvious of, kill a method immediately more the breathing of a wild huge monster.
Li Xuan knows, Related articles:

