
beats by dre nomic burden but

Old two but this sentence to seckill .relationresultChen Pingunder the table legs a strong shake ah shake ,face remains ,stare at the Yanquan ,waiting for his response .relationresultSuddenly,Bu momentum weak down the glass in his hand ,bang of a down at the table, he looked at Chen Ping, whispered ,weak ,asked: , relationresultChen Ping.
. , relationresultChapter 936th :try , relationresultThe 936th chapterrelationresultAnyparents in very unexpected circumstances that a year ago, it is pure daughter from his several months pregnant message are not too light ,even if not Yanquan this identity ,face this kind of good news come unexpectedly ,still also be not carried ,first time is lost ,Xue Yufei mother the same with Xue Yang, a face is not credible ,Chen Gongzi has just returned from abroad soon, Chen Ping in the house in general while Bu Yanquan wife out of time ,very tragic was Xue Yufei counted once, been active passion one night ,but Bu Yixuan still loves this must have the Durex above .
The needle pierced holes ,directly into the situation of the arch-criminal ,let I haven what method to deal with colonel sister relationship Chen Ping very passive to accept this fact ,reason is too complex ,twists and turns ,but from that moment ,Bu Yanquan and Xue Yangcai found that seems to daughter with Chen Ping.
There have been some super friendship, but also did not think more ,after all, young people are just a few decades ago ,beats by dre,the society does not like, old two More enlightened, symbolic asked the Xue Yufei ,but the daughter said ,they will not be forced, until now Chen Ping announced this news was still feel shocked ,really bad romance .
WWw ,relationresultBu Yanquan staredin a daze, I asked a sentence will not say ,obviously it hit him than on the problem simply to testify ,Bu Yixuan began to take pleasure in other people ,he together with Chen Ping people when they are very hard ,in Chen Ping ,is able to take rest and leave the other side of the brother ,absolute loyalty ,not words, but each time involved into this thing ,this must not so loyal ,often be worldly-wise and play safe ,conditions permitting ,and even to maltreat an injured person and take pleasure in other people ,standard bad example ,is now the case, because knew this news ,the young master is calm ,bow, took the glass light sip, squint ,a face at the same time begins to calculate their intoxicated ,is it right? Go early ,your daddy now being in a daze ,maybe will suddenly go ballistic ,instant summons a set of packages artifact and English to murder Chen Ping also is not impossible ,and if he be returned ,once seckill ,burst out of the more than equipment ,it is a question of pride ,the effect may not be me ,carrying the Tu Long knife After a military region courtyard ,and was the father-in-law after military region yard ,is two concepts completely ,this time, he and Chen Ping stand ,is clearly a nuanced .
relationresultChen Ping was silentfor about thirty seconds, bite the bullet ,finally man ,not be overcautious ,grass ,the General Staff Department chief make yourself to push ,elderly began while uncomfortable, but did not say what, oneself also said how hold Xu Shu on the table with a group of generals talk cheerfully and humorously over man, this scene ,certainly not ,ah ,the input is not losing ,Tang Aozhi said better ,but the company northeast ,Beijing A ,even after a very likely to face Ye Jiajia leaves break the city ,those which do not are eating people do not spit the bones of someone ?He now is the granddaughter daughter ,now Bu Yanquan has to face ,after the holidays to the father-in-law ,sit in the home ,that has not suffered ?Chen Ping body trembled ,a face is morally right ,looking at Bu Yanquan ,full of I have your daughter is responsible for in the end face ,heavy track: my .
, relationresultYou young people together ,how not to be careful ?Yu Fei is still young ,now is the cause of the rise, our old two while rushing to a grandson ,but the message is too sudden ,Chen ,not aunt said you ,Yu Fei in your uncle and your uncle before a few years to climb to the commander seat ,the short term although will not continue to climb ,but in recent years the doings ,but most can directly affect her after all the energy in this way far, now you have to the child ,let alone not to marry, even if married ,I also opposed ,don tell you ,it is your fault .
, relationresultXue Yang directlyreact, a face reproachfully, tone is not to blame ,a means for.. .relationresultBu Yanquanlooked up ,and his wife look vague looked at each other ,then separately, this detail ,even the Yixuan without noticing ,not to mention now has not sat with Chen Ping, Chen Fugui ,Chen Fu ,and Bu Yanquan, the couple ,but in several small children when they had the marriage idea ,Xue Yufei big Chen Ping three years ,differ not quite ,but married husband how much ,how to look like how to do as an understanding wife and loving mother is preferred ,only a little hesitant ,doll close this stuff ,it is often seen.
In the upper circle ,in order to benefit alliance ,has become very common techniques ,mainly in the family under the arrangement ,a pair of newcomers into one another life ,before a stranger to you ,in private Rubing ,slightly can really and in peace and harmony to go to the end of a happy couple ,Chen Fusheng and Bu Yanquan had no more rash ,raised under does not mention ,and Chen Ping and Xue Yufei in two children in a group of people be struck dumb in fighting each other to grow up ,a rogue idiot words like call come ,never adult to adult ,and until now ,from the bed hopper Under the bed, in the bed ,on the bed, on-again ,a enough for anyone to see things in a blur of farce, finally come to this position ,which turns up ,indeed as the doomed love two characters, reckon two parties did not think of this situation ,in fact, Bu Yanquan thoughts of Chen Ping this son-in-law is satisfied ,the little bastard who broke down a little ,but treat their own people ,really have nothing to say, so did not prevent the son grew up with Chen Ping dealings, even if that sit between Chen Ping and Yufei Maoni ,also did not field arrives ,in Bo Yanquan heart ,if without those really beside Chen Ping excellent woman ,this ending ,just be perfect ,but it has some distinct ,get the opposite of what one wants .
relationresultYou are still young ,of course ,Chen Ping in recent years your achievements ,from Yunnan to Beijing ,we are looking at the eyes ,although manual extreme point ,but to many hundreds of life not to take things ,plus the Chen family possessions ,we don you and Yu Fei .
Economic burden ,but after the way ,you want a good ?It is the modern society, and even in ancient times, polygynous ,not every thing, you intend to enjoy Qirenzhifu ,we will not say anything ,but comes to his daughter ,into someone ,is not big, and finally even the name will appear in the Chen family account book ,parents ,can not worried ?You thinking about it ,is it right? So months ?You in the eyes of our grew up watching ,older ,appreciate you ,but Chen Ping ,today I have to say here ,Yu Fei in case you know you choose ,we want to say anything ,she would not listen ,but you really want to take her as your family means of reproduction ,birth the child would not take pity on her ,I will kill you !My daughter ,if not married ,not to use .
, relationresultBu Yanquan finally opened,beginning is a benign countenance ,but finally was excited .relationresultChen Pingsaid nothing ,lit a cigarette ,large throughput ,for a long time, raised his head ,whispered my woman ,who also cannot use, including my own . Related articles:

