
Facebook s you if the darlin

Of depth.
"Is over-confident!"
The text is ugly to take back to fight knife, the strabismus looks sideways the Cang in week and lightly said 1.
However, when his Lun rises to fight knife, eye pupil fiercely on shrinking, because he catches sight of to grow the knife blade of knife up unexpectedly appear an indentation, this indentation is obviously 2 people the weapon collides of time, be chopped down out by the long-handled sword of the other party.The text ugly eyebrows tightly locks, the vision stares at a week long-handled sword within Cang hand, flash across in eye a put on a greedy color.
The long-handled sword of week Cang long about 5 Chinese feet, sharp deeply bright, is what Pu dollar with meticulous care forge come out, isn't any article on seeing.
"The good knife is unfortunately used by the thieves!"
The text is a little bit ugly to nod, Ze Ze in mouth calls to sigh, the but again regret sighs and seems to say that the treasure knife receives a dust, the heel is wrong person.Soon after, the text is ugly harsh voice and way:"Unknown thieves, you if the darling offer up the treasure knife in the your hand, originally Rao you are deathless, and allow you to serve as originally is small a member of the troops will, you would like to?"
The text is an ugly left'unknown thieves', another'unknown thieves', immediately incensed week Cang.
In fact, week Cang inside also proud must listen to words of ugly text very much, immediately get mad.
He flicks a long-handled sword, the Nu drinks a way:"The black thief is died!"
Text the ugly skin color is slightly dark, and the facial expression is crude and uncivilized, deeply wear an agile and fierce spirit, so have a liking for to slightly have one the silk bandit the spirit.Have a fit in the week Cang heart, direct with'black thief'call a text ugly.
Hardly realizing, week Cang own skin color is also slightly dark, and also take one silk bandit spirit.
Text ugly tiger eyes circle Zheng, cold humed a voice, lifted long knife to hurtle up.
"The thieves is died!"
The text ugly eyes stare very greatly, the Lun begins medium long knife to split toward the Cang in week.The knife blade breaks empty row bottom, the knife of the cold Lie light like is that the in silver white do from the sky but decline, Wei power have no, go straight to the Cang in week.
The voice being huge rings out, two handle weapons again the collision is together.
2 people shunt mutually, the text ugly plan horse stops bottom, saw the long knife in the eye hand, discovered knife blade up again many an indentation.
The week Cang breath becomes urgent, and repeatedly retreats several steps.
His Wu wears a chest, but still keeps opening mouth to vomit blood fog to come out, the blood sprays and dye red week Cang the armor before the chest.If the week Cang ride at usually of war right away, early drive text the ugly dozen dismount.
The week Cang depends on stirrup and saddle of strength, form just can be steady to live a body, have no quilt text Be ugly to keep on hitting.The Rao is such, face text ugly strength, the week Cang is also beaten have no to strike back of dint.He the silver tooth bite tightly, the complexion is a bit pale, grasps the hands Zhan Zhan dither of long-handled sword, dangerous spot ache not already.
Li Ru sees the Cang in week an enemy not, immediately drink a way:"Xu Rong, you help the Cang in week to resist enemy!"
Xu Rong answers a , immediately the plan horse hurtled up.
Xu Rong Ti one pole black iron long gun, the in a wink hurtled up.He keeps rushing toward the text is ugly, quickly tremble to fight with weapons a pole, point of a spear flicker, change magically one an is dazzling of gun flower, take a walk lonesome intention to murder.However, when the long gun approaches a text ugly of time, the text is ugly to at will flick of one knife, easily broke Xu Rong's marksmanship, let killing of Xu Rong recruited to lose a function.
Xu Rong and week Cang, none of 2 people are an ugly text opponent,
However, 2 people cooperate to attackstone a text ugly, a grow a short, mutual the margin that made up respectively.When the week Cang flicks knife to kill ugly toward the text of time, Xu Rong fists a long gun to also quickly explore and stab ugly toward the text, making text ugly can not take the offensive 1 with all strength.
Thus, the text is ugly to also defeat Xu Rong and week Cang in short time.
On the battlefield, both parties' force speeds a plan horse, you come I go toward and kill not as well happy.
Huang Zhong is good to war Yan, Xu Rong and week Cang to war the text is ugly, although is three people to beat two people,be unclearly been good by the Yan and the text Be ugly to inhibit, Yuan Shao of'real strenght'obviously won a to raise.Besides the Yuan Shao hasn't sent Zhang Han and Gao Lan and only send a Yan good and the text is ugly, have already inhibitted Li Ru's battalion.
Appear a circumstance like this, the Yuan Shao doesn't already is happy.
Before, Yuan soldier's Guo Tu Gong's hand says:"Lord male, the Yan is good and the text Be ugly to have already occupied breeze, issue order to assault!"
The situation is advantageous to a Yuan soldier, Guo Tu quickly persuades Yuan Shao to send army.
He although the everywhere tries to please Yuan Shao, follow the personality of Yuan Shao talk,also want to let Yuan Shao to win quickly.
After all the farmland is plentiful to still jail in the patrol wagon, once the battalion failed, the farmland was plentiful and then haded satisfied capital, and then he hurts to the farmland is plentiful.Is for this reason, Guo Tu wants to let the Yuan Shao take best chance, establishes to win a bureau and defeats Li Ru.The battalion vehemence is like Hong, as long as hurtling up to fight and have ugly good Yan and text again to help, very easy can obtain victory.
The point of Yuan Shao nods, again the title hoped the circumstance on the eye battlefield, there is also no the viewpoint of cat drama rat.He air determination, fiercely pull out waist lance, soar to the skies one way of flick, drinking:"Kill!"
A double-edged sword in the hand of Yuan Shao splits bottom, the battalion immediately killed up and kept the battalion of rushing toward Li Ru.
Two soldiers cross swords, the battalion quickly fights together.
No matter is Li Ru's battalion, still the battalion of Yuan Shao, all soldiers are fierce to stand in no fear of dead, strive to kill an enemy, kill is difficult solution difficult cent.When both parties' troops engaged is mutually just about, highlighted the ability getting, the Yan is good and the text was ugly to inhibit Li Ru Jun in of will get, occupied the last breeze gradually.
Momentary, the Yuan Shao battalion morale is high, the vehemence is like tiger.
Ps:Four more of two

The 11th group without a leader chapter 709 continues to withdraw in defeat
The fragrance of books house renews time:2011-10-174:48:11 chapter word numbers:2953

The morale thing like this, illusory, having no vestige can look for, can feel, but can not touch.
However, the morale is really the root that the troops have a foothold.
On the Three Kingdoms history, the Yuan Shao leads 10 tens of thousands battalion Tun soldier officer Du, swear of wanting and holding with Cao definitely one female and male, divide who is the Ba lord of north.Both parties at officer Du belligerence, refuse to budge not next, but Yuan Shao the Tun is in the food grass of black nest drive Fen after, the morale of the battalion of Yuan Shao suffers a disastrous decline and flees elsewhere in succession, even oneself of Yuan Shao didn't also fight of viewpoint, distress escape Ye once of city.
Look back Cao to hold battalion, the vehemence is like Hong, hurtle to kill all the way, kill the reinforcement throw Kui to leave A.Thus exquisite thing has very important use on the battlefield.
The Yuan soldier vehemence is like Hong and have no can resist.
Li Ru and Gu Xu after seeing this circumstance immediately issues order that the soldier withdraws behind.
The Yuan Shao plan horse stands on the rear of the battalion and is him to withdraw after seeing Li Ru let the battalion, immediately the cachinnation gets up and also peeped out satisfied smiling face on the face.Just his wreath attends to or so, feel a little bit little thing, suddenly thought of to don't discover that the farmland is plentiful.Yuan Shao immediately toward nearby of bodyguard order way:"Go, Be plentiful to bring the farmland!"
The soldier answers a ,Facebook, immediately execute an order to go to.
Not much, the farmland is plentiful to be taken by the soldier to come over.
While being plentiful to come over, the farmland remains is to sit in the patrol wagon and loses a freedom.
The Yuan Shao continuously makes track for the soldier of the shot Li Ru's battalion, and smilingly stares at a farmland as for enemy's soldier that has already continuously withdrawn behind plentiful, say:"The farmland is plentiful, you say that the Gu leads troops to hurt with Li Ru's belligerence necessarily, can Li Ru and Gu Xu is already severely defeated now, defenseless, did you what rubbish want to say?"
The this time words are red-naked-naked dozen face with plentiful farmland, have never given the farmland plentiful D to order a face.
The farmland is plentiful to cross legs to sit in the patrol wagon, deliver Ji to spread in disorder, there is still on the face dirty Zi.
Be showed from this, the farmland plentiful day leads not very goodly.
However, the farmland is plentiful to still win to annoy hundred percent, loudly say:"Lord Mr., the vulgar job remains persistence an one's own opinion, thinking Li Ru and Gu Xu is a Zha to hurt, intentionally lure lord Mr. make track for shot.Although Li Ru's losing streak, can the soldier escape of time have no flurried, be showed from this Li Ru still have successor don't use, if lord Mr. see good and then accept and stay on the safe side, affirmation can obtain the victory of end, if be eager to begging, greatly hurt at at present, for expect not far Yi!"
After Yuan Shao listenned to, the breath all becomes urgent.
"Mix Zhang, mix Zhang!"
Keep drinking to scold in the heart of Yuan Shao, he seeks to a farmland plentiful is to want to show to be some kind of, can farmland some kind of plentiful words make the mood of Yuan Shao immediately what a mess.He scans widely to see go to, Li Ru leads troops to flee elsewhere of time, the soldier big hoarse roars

