
http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj saint article fairy

, Does now stage a comeback and want to make use of our treasure boundary to resist forehead?"
"Treasure boundary?What make use of so much?You two big.Magic weapon?Although is also a sky, gentleman state, but can not resist with forehead at all, if is just still many treasure gentlemans in the sky, pour is to have enough awe dint to the forehead, but many elder brothers early disappear to have no Zong along with the king of origins fairy."
The body that mixs the n sky gentleman of lu à remains Wei shore matchless:"Pretty clan and difference boundary, that is the approaching death flounder, can not move forehead half root at all the sweat m á o.The disaster, the abyss of time, the mentally dense, kills, the thunder emperor general situation has been already become, hard falter.You the treasure boundary wait for of only have perdition.And, I tell you, emperor just the other shore have already been drawn together by the forehead as well, he it may be said are to drool with envy to your treasure boundaries, the whole baby if not that being printeds by the method of forbiding of many elder brotherses, and he early comes in to loot a treasure to annoy.Even gobble up the whole treasure boundary."
"Emperor just the other shore, the boat of the other shore of absolute being state clean soil, the saint article fairy machine, the age still has to be long ago than us, early move to the our treasure boundary stupid y ù!Really have already cooperated with forehead?"
It is saied that of the machine of battle incarnation work properly a face the top gleamed one silk Nu s è.
"Is quite good, and the saint article fairy machine of disaster gentleman in the sky, redeem have been already greatly become, the abyss of time gentleman in the sky, mentally dense, kill their saint article fairy machines have already thoroughly coagulated as well, they are waiting for and wait for the best opportune moment.Gobble up various sky of ten thousand boundarieses, don't say your treasure boundary, also have'Dan boundary', work properly boundary ……all want to fall among to drown of disaster."
"Is the Dan boundary incredibly was also looked for by the forehead?"All of the two greatest saints article fairy machine very one earthquake.
The Dan boundary is a world that allows much more Dan y à os to constitute, ancient one is being big can cast.Have been concealing matchless deeply sink, but be still looked for by the forehead.
"Mix the n sky gentleman of lu à, you come is cooperate with us?"
"Is quite good, if the forehead makes moves to deal with your treasure boundary, I can appear publicly and shake Zhe forehead."Mix the n sky gentleman way of lu à.
"What is the condition ?I don't believe that you have so of good heart."The two greatest saints article fairy machine at the same time way.
"Condition be, where do you tell my many treasure gentleman ends in the sky and origins fairy king to go?"Mix the n sky gentleman way of lu à:"Still have, I guard of the young man square is cold, he is drawing to take treasure spirit now, you provide enough convenience for him, although I guard him,the real strenght of the forehead is more and more arrogant now, sometime I can not also divide time, have to make him quickly grow up.From now on, if not that gentleman in the sky makes moves to deal with him and all wanted him to cope with by himself."
"That young man, exactly is what person turn a life time, is build to turn a fairy king?"
"Build to turn fairy a king to probably still exist, probably got into the m é of eternal life n, probably have already turned a life time, probably is this young man."Mix the n sky gentleman way of lu à:"However, the beginning of a reign world this time collapses to badly and greatly rob, more and more near, the forehead wants to sweep d à ng various sky of ten thousand boundarieses, the depredation creation, pass through beginning of a reign to greatly rob, you are absolutely difficult to escape destined disaster, if can cooperate with me, you two big.Magic weapon probably exists a beginning of a reign once again."
"Mix the n sky gentleman of lu à, you have already passed through many beginning of a reigns, if the transmigration of soul that can teach how we once hid the world to greatly fall through, everything all say."
The two greatest saints article fairy machine way.
"Is no harm ……"
Mixed the n sky gentleman of lu à to cross legs to sit upright down:"Teach you once hid world greatly deathful of experience after, our cooperation formal beginning.This idea of mine reads and also needs to condescend to come Dan boundary, and some Dan y à the o company has great capacity a matter."……….
Bomb Long!
At this moment, go to heaven as a fairy m é n.
That mysterious hall in, the square is cold to be wearing the vitality of "the saint rank works properly vein" in the continuously absorption, he more absorbs more many, more and more wild, body of the crystal absolute being amount of countries be all not only increasing.
The saint rank works properly the vitality of vein, not and together xi ǎ o can, once drawing to take, the blood r ò us of whole body will become sacred.
This if not that he expressed his own identity and got the feather emperor's end trust, the feather emperor absolutely couldn't open so a saint rank to work properly vein to let him to directly draw to take.
"Gobble up world!"
Is very not easy to have this time opportunity, the square is cold to almost is to all release his/her own mind and body, not only chased the oneself crystal absolute being country, but also have each big.The magic weapons all swallow to absorb successfully and even connect to take in the bottle of totem of some pretty clan battalion, also infuse to note into the vitality that the saint rank works properly vein, make they rapid growth, then increase the power of the bottle of totem.
Arrive an end, square cold whole body, it is with saint rank to work properly vein fusion to an and share everything they have almost.
"The emperor of the feather, his a person draws to take degree and compare 100 sages all terror!Let him draw to dismantle to go like this, this saint rank's working properly vein at least would not° until ascend must day boundary year resume come over.So violent decrease vitality, those people of China house perhaps want to die an impeaching of life again you, even will lend this opportunity, greatly put a Jue phrase."
The sword machine of saint hall works properly the way of misgiving, her mouth Zhang De consumedly of, looking at a square cold like this and fiercely swallow to absorb, absolutely dare not believe own vision.
The square is cold to fully swallow to absorb more than 100 sages to promote the vitality of demand now.It is still just continuously to gobble up.
"Is big to bleed this time."The feather emperor also has some dare not believe, however his vision is quiet:"Square cold this son, once promoting, is almost invincible, is one of my huge help, I usage believe in Holy Bible, just reckoned for a while, seem a danger at to my b ī is near."
"What dangerous?"The sword whole body of the saint hall 1 cringes.
"Do not know, can not reckon, is the mind of imperceptibly but inexorably to respond."The feather emperor shakes, " however not and together this danger xi ǎ o can, I absolutely reckon not to come out, but got a cold self-discipline method of boxing for building and turning absolute being of square believing in Holy Bibles to all reckon 1 time and finally started comprehending the Mi of imperceptibly but inexorably faith in the past.This still have to thank a square cold."
"He the beginning Du robbed."
The sword of saint hall just wanted to talk, suddenly saw one robbing a luck to cover with down.These robbing cloud isn't a general dark cloud, black cloud,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj, but a Hong receives the spirit of mentally dense.
"Mess, this is the incredibly the most severe Hong to receive to greatly rob, dint contain a cosmos to greatly fall through among them, according to the truth, this is promoting for a sky, gentleman of time so as to meet, how can is promoting the time of sage appear?"
The feather emperor gets a shock, he didn't pass through destined disaster like this.
At this time, he scans widely to hope to go, imperceptibly but inexorably, unreal a falls through, the dint of the fighting soars to the skies to spread to pass over here and all concentrated to arrive square cold top of head and coagulated a mentally dense thou absolute being.
The bottom half of this mentally dense thou absolute being is unclear, top half unclearly invite invite see come out, is a long beard big fellow, whole body mentally dense war A, once the big hand grasp, the extensive world greatly falls through of the dint flowed out to go into square cold body, the crystal absolute being country continuously of the immediately square cold body explosion, the saint body obliterated one greater half.
But bottom a moment, one repairs crystal fog in a sky to rise Teng to get up, his body again resumes.
In the Chan Buddha emperor's treasure-house in sky, he got 18 urns of best Buddhas fat, all change into to repair crystal fog in a sky, almost own endless endless reborn ability.
At this moment, he also knows that the situation is very dangerous, receives to rob cloud on the mentally dense Hong of emergence of head, the mentally dense thou absolute being give his dignity seem for a sky, gentleman directly reads to attackstone him in the intention, fighting he, however now his heart such as water, don't undulate at all.
Got into the state of a kind of heavenliness.
Read in all of his ideas in, a day heart saint the field be slowly coagulating to take shape a body.
Destined disaster again is on changing, that mentally dense thou the absolute being demolished in a row square cold nine times, square cold rebirth nine times, mentally dense thou the absolute being suddenly changed into Hong Mongolia absolute being, take voodoo, chase square cold all package therein, carry on detrition.
Each time a voodoo, all seem world once

