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, Li Heng also knew the father said nothing wrong ,these did not he a person should be regulated ,he needs the tube is how to make yourself tomorrow had slightly better ,how can let oneself fill the stomach is king .
relationresultdon ,with your mother said ,the backyard pig slaughter to entertain guests ! Li Longxing looked after son commanded no longer ignore that some unhappy son to continue with Ouyang et al .
,count day .relationresultThis guy has nothing to do every day ,think of becoming the high high to the fairy ,I had to take him to some schools ,but this kid a little talent did not ,ultimately only can be an ordinary person .
Li Longxing did not want to let his son Niubi Niubi ,but everyone wants to ,can really do not .relationresult,I heard people say that heaven arranged lots of statues ,even the arrow of God and also to those statues have no way ! White star it is quite a bit like Ouyang the name feeling ,but he it exports to Lee Longxing : is not a few statues !Break it ! , relationresultBreak ! Hear this word, the three people such as Ouyang are bright, but then the glow faded away again !If only one or two statues ,three people can use a rapid way to flush, the Statue Figurine open before completely destroyed ,but the statue quantity is too small ,even if they three speed ,it also only each strike chance ,and so most destroyed 1/3 statues ,the rest of the statue can still blast them into trash !relationresultI don ,this statue number ,and heaven defense need not say more ,even the arrow arrow of God could not break as defense ,only melee can move, and melee situations even the arrow of God the most instantaneous destruction 1/3 statue only, so it is almost not a solution situation ! White star helpless sigh .
relationresultWhy can break 1/3 ?Do not say the arrow of God to destroy one side of the world ? Li Longxing apparently did not understand what the world extreme .Ouyang very strong, but the fairyland also have the power to limit ,when the force output reached the limits of time, will be directly sent to overseas ,www.beatsbydrdreaustralian.com,so they can play in this world can receive maximum power can destroy 1/3 of the statue .
.. ... @ .relationresultThe 354th chapter you to draw fire , relationresultWhy canbreak 1/3 !Li Longxing this saying is in place .relationresultIfa practitioner will not say that ,after all, the world is what every practitioner nature are known ,but these mortals cannot understand what is the meaning of the world extreme .
relationresultThe earis just because of this ,Ouyang will be shining eyes ,it is because of Li Longxing that one word, his mind suddenly appeared with a brand new plan .relationresultHey.Qiu Yunping ,you no matter how shameless ,you a Mou cultivators ,was the world fooled ! Ouyang hearts lol laughing .
Yes ,if not with Li Longxing unwittingly talked about this ,Ouyang could never thought of such a simple truth .relationresultWei Bingyi andthe white star Ouyang Na watched a Xi �� nginto bamboo was the appearance of some unknown reason .
The two of them apparently never go it want to ,they hear the words of Li Longxing when, first to Li Longxing too ignorant .relationresultWhite starand Wei Bingyi mortal is the ants ,two natural not to consider a worm is said above .
It also meant the two miserable doesn Ouyang really understand what .relationresultOuyang theneven if the two people that anxious ,just chatting with Li Longxing .Not long after Li Longxing Li Heng had brought a cauldron of incense ,pork ,see this one-pot flesh, Ouyang can be said to be edible y �� large array.
Want to do something to eat also must say human, after all in fairyland ,the vast majority of immortal I usually do not need to eat ,is the most boring drink a little wine ,so the cooking area immortal never compared with mortal .
relationresultOuyangpicked up the tableware from the next began glut oneself with delicacies .While the white star and Wei Bingyi followed suit to eat some ,but two fairyland Aboriginal obviously not used to such a food, so that two people eat very little .
relationresultAfter dinner,Ouyang and Li Longxing chatted for a while after ,in the Lee family down .While unable to hold oneself back white star and Wei Bingyi two people a way to pull Ouyang into the room .
Then a sound operation of the whole room separated, then two individuals as the prisoners like watching Ouyang said: the kid say ,what is the Y �� nplan ? , relationresultY �� n.
.. ... ... ... Ouyang Wuyu ,you have what y �� nplan ,you are thinking how to use large direct rejection as a face way .relationresultYou talking to that what talk for so long laugh so bad ,don did not understand ! White star pointing to Ouyang that quite a you don say I will kill that feeling .
relationresultHa-ha.Ouyang laughed and said: nothing, only know how to destroy the way to heaven ! Ouyang smile is so too profound to be understood ,but the two are not mind tube Ouyang smile is too profound to be understood or what they think ,is what method !relationresultOuyangalso sees two people eagerly look ,he touched a beard .
.. ... Well, Ouyang has no beard ,so he just had a look ,then said: you two have a maximum . that you never will .When adult .I can be very responsible to tell you, on this point you will never be the Supreme accomplishment ! , relationresultWhy.
Heard the supreme four words ,two people temporarily by Ouyang shift in attention ,after all, compared with heaven ,supreme obviously more attractive .relationresultSupreme is proud of ,is nonsense that very well ,that is there is the truth .
Since the existence of human ,it means they are a part of the Tao and your eyes never mortal ,you always feel superior God, you tell me, you heart insufficiency ,also tell me proud of ? Ouyang Yan took a solemn .
In fact, this Ouyang Ben is not to tell them, after all, some things have to realize ,but these two guys will see if no one told them, so they maybe never wake up !relationresultBirds of a feather flock together.
There are words like attracts like. Because of our efforts ,our superior come ah ! White star at Ouyang ,but he is not thought of these ,but he does not want to understand .relationresultThe road is your I can choice ,I just walked out of a friend remind you myself ,well, first we don talk about this problem ,to talk about how to destroy heaven bar ! Ouyang laughed and said: you have not heard what Li Longxing said.
because in your eyes how could you will be of any help to you ,today I will first break your idea to tell you ,your eyes will think you could never to method ! , relationresultThis is not possible ! White star apparently do not believe this may ,in his opinion ,only he will do ,will do what he can do ?relationresultMay not be possible for you to say ! Ouyang also not politely : tell me what is the limit ? Can you ask this shit ?You can send three points with a force can directly open the door leading to the outside ,and the force will be directly . Related articles:

